Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Playdough Fun and Dreams

While Jill went to teach her baby Kindermusik class this morning, the girls and I had some fun with Playdough. I got a new Playdough ice-cream maker machine at Target last week so we made ice-cream cones and cupcakes. Sophia is just learning that Playdough is not to eat - sort of.

Maybe they are some future Dairy Queen workers? By the way, Sarah, you had a wonderful post about community life groups. Really good!! Well, on Friday night I had a terrible dream. A nightmare!! It was about Jill and Adam's community life group. For some reason, part of what they did as a group was to sacrifice themselves one at a time to be killed for the good of the community. Is that horrible or what?? I can't recall who it was, but one of them was being killed while I watched. They were using electric drills and screwdrivers and such to slowly kill this person. And they were ok with it. They didn't find it disturbing or wrong!!! I was trying to tell them it was murder and trying to stop it, but to no avail.

Frankly, I have had a few very vivid and horrid dreams and I have decided it is due to some medication I have taken at night. I have decided to take it in the morning. Al says it shouldn't have that affect, but I don't agree with the pharmacist on this one.

The odd thing is, on Sunday night a few of us got together to do some Sunday School planning and Jess tells us that Joel had a dream Saturday night where he was punching the air. He said he was dreaming that someone was killing him with screwdrivers and he was trying to fight them! How weird is this????

Monday, March 23, 2009

You're my friend

Today Jill and I went to Dillons to shop. Hannah pushed her little cart and followed me around, while Sophia wanted to sit in the cart. She would turn around and pick up the frozen corn, or bag of chips - whatever and want to just chew on it. She is getting some real teethers that are hurting.

Hannah decided to come with me to go pick up some more mulch that I needed. With winds 40-50, it was quite a chore driving the pickup! We had the windows down and were just screaming with delight at the wind! We had to roll up the windows as some sand came blasting in. Hannah's eyes began to water some and she said she thought her daddy should become an eye dentist so he could fix it.

Then she said something that melted this grandma's heart. "Nana, you're my friend." Isn't that soooo sweet? Somehow the conversation got to talking about allergies. I am allergic to brocolli and my stomach cramps and I throw up (not a pretty thought, sorry) so although it is one of my favorite veggies, I can't have it.

Hannah told me, "I'm allergic to a kind of pea. One time, I ate them and my tummy hurt. But my mommy read me a Berenstain Bear book and then I felt better. You know, Nana, maybe sometime when you accidently eat brocolli you should read a Berenstain Bear book and you would feel better."