Friday, September 11, 2009

Hannah had her first day of preschool.
I had to run to church anyway, so I got to be there to take pictures!

So excited!

Her new backpack.

Joan Duerksen, the helper, taking pictures of the kids as they arrive.

You can see Kendall , the amazing teacher!! to the right in the back.

Have a great year, Hannah!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

We Graber ladies decided to have a fun day at the zoo. All the guys were busy with other things - farming, working on the basement, camping, or too cool to be with the girls (my junior high nephew). Left to right: My daughter, Mindy, holding grand-daughter, Sophia. Sister-in-law, Gayle Graber and her daughter, Bailey. Al's sister, Julie Stephenson, and her daughter, Susie. Grand-daughter, Hannah and my daughter, Jill.

Sophia's favorite of all things at the zoo are the "monkeys"!
She talks about the monkeys at the zoo a lot!

Feeding the giraffes!

The obligatory penguin shots.

Some days when you go to the zoo, the animals might be sleeping or whatever.
Today they were great! Put on quite a show.
Even the lion roared 3 great roars for us.

For lunch we went to Freddie's.
So good.
But I have to admit, not as good as Culver's.
I think there are only 2 Culver's so far in Kansas.
When Adam and Jill lived in Wisconsin, we would stop at Culver's all along the way. One in Newton, Iowa, and then those in Wisconsin. Love, love, love Culver's!

The girls love their frozen custards!
I think we all inherit our love for frozen ice-cream products from my parents. When Dad was going to college in Omaha, he used to work at an ice-cream factory and he could eat what he wanted! What an ideal job - except for the gaining weight part.

All tuckered out.

When I got home, I took an hour long nap! Usually, I am one who cat-naps. 5 minutes and I'm good.

After I woke up, Allen and I ran back into Wichita. Had some shopping - Al needed to get some items for hiking the Grand Canyon. And no, I'm not going along. If I could stay at a hotel at the top or take a helicopter ride in, I'd do it, but I would NEVER try hiking down it. I wouldn't be able to get out!! And I'd be terrified of going down on a donkey. I am scared of heights and I hear those donkeys get pretty close to the edge some times. Last time Allen went, he slipped on the icy path and had a close call. He got within a foot of going over the edge. At least this time he won't have to contend with ice.

We also went to Broadway Funeral Home to visit with Sarah Weber and her extended family. Sarah's dear, gracious mother passed away. The funeral is tomorrow. They will be playing a tape of Sarah's sister singing a song that Linda and Allen's mother arranged many years ago. How sweet! Sarah's family is wonderful and what a legacy they leave us! Her Dad has spoken to the young married's Sunday School class about marriage. He has been such an example! Sarah's brother takes tours to Israel and we want to go with him some time! He has a wealth of knowledge, Biblically and culturally. We love you Dave and Sarah and family! May God comfort you. What joy in knowing this is only a momentary separation.