Saturday, December 19, 2009

'Tis the season!

The Christmas program at church. The children were just darling!!
They sang "Away in the Manger"
and "Christmas Day".

Lunch with a dear friend,Debbie.
We like to garage sale together
and go out to eat.

When you eat at Panera, they ask for your first name. When your meal is ready they call it out. We had to laugh one day when we ate there. They called my name "Debby". Then Debbie's name. Following that there happened to be another Debbie. And finally, they called out "Seriously, another Debbie!" We had a good chuckle. In the 50's, Deborah/Debra was a very popular name, much like Ellie or Emma is today.

This will be a hard year for Mike and Debbie as she begins chemo treatments in January. We'll be there for you, Debbie!

In between the parties and get-togethers, I still get to have grandchildren over to play.

Hannah enjoyed our real stethoscope and listened to our heart beats. She took my blood pressure. As she was pumping the bulb, she said, "Nana, I'm going to pump all the blood out of your body." Yikes!

Hannah is in Berean's pre-school this year. They had a program at school with the K-4th graders. Her very first program in the school system! Hannah did great! Except for when she picked her nose!

Last night was the hospital pharmacy party. I cooked all day. Allen was such a great help to me. He wrapped bacon around little smokies and even arranged the fruit tray! The tiramisu pie was scrumptious!

We had an ugly sweater contest. What fun!
Harry won the t-shirt - "Original mistletoe tester"
Allen sure has some fun, crazy workers!

We have something every night until Christmas - young couple's leadership party, Graber family Christmas, a party at the Prairie Sunset Home where Allen's Dad is living, Al and Adam are going to a KU game and caroling. Then there is Christmas Eve and then Christmas. Our family will actually be celebrating after the holidays when Josh's family and my brother and wife can come down. How's that for keeping busy this wonderful Christmas Season!! What a special time to celebrate Jesus' birth with others!

"The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14

It is the Season!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Back from Arkansas!

I haven't blogged for a long time. I have been going down to Arkansas to help my son and wife with their children. Poor sweet baby Elijah has been having some tummy troubles and Josh and Staci have been exhausted from lack of sleep. We are thinking that perhaps Staci will probably need to stay off any dairy products and hopefully that will help.

They haven't had time to do any Christmas decorating.
Pumpkins still on the porch -
I thought it would be fun to make a
pumpkin snowman!

Here are the 2 little reasons I've been gone from home.

I took a little Christmas tree to them - just for the children.
Emeri was delighted to decorate (and un-decorate and decorate again!)
her own little Christmas tree.

Each year I buy an ornament for each grandchild.
I found a Little People ornament on-line for Emeri.
She LOVES Little People!

So we made a Little People Christmas tree.

I am home now.
Several parties this week to get ready for!
Shopping still needs to get done.
Wouldn't trade the time with Emeri, Elijah, Josh and Staci though!