Friday, May 7, 2010


I had a couple of outings this week. On Wednesday, our Biblestudy had our annual end-of-year outing. Only about half of us could go but what fun we had! We drove to Yoder and had breakfast at Carriage Crossings. Their cinnamon rolls are about 7 inches in diameter and only a little over a buck! What a deal! We ordered one to split then also ordered some other good country cooking like the Yoder sausage, french toast, home-made biscuits..... Carriage Crossing has a fun store and some of these grandmas shopped for next Christmas already!
After a drive through the cute Amish town of Yoder we drove on to Buhler with its darling little shops.

And we had lunch at the Mustard Seed. I was still stuffed from breakfast but who cares!
They set us up in their tea room.
Most of us ordered their special - a turkey sandwich with sprouts on a freshly home-made croissant. And split their home-made peach cobbler. Oh my!

Yesterday I went on another outing - this time with Hannah and Sophia. Their mother is on her own Green Bay, Wisconsin visiting a friend! We went to the zoo in Wichita. Hannah wanted to see the tigers. We went through that exhibit twice!

They were up and close!

The playground is always a must.

The kids love to read their zoo maps to see where they are.

Fun times! Precious friends and family!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Some "bunny"

Some "bunny" came to visit!
Our 4 grandchildren - Sophia, Emeri, Elijah and Hannah
Since Adam is doing a sermon series on the book of James, he has been getting different people to lead the worship in his place. This week he asked his brother-in-law, Josh, to come up from Arkansas and lead worship. We were just there last weekend for Elijah's dedication and it was just so fun to be with them again this weekend!!

Mom and Dad enjoyed being with their great-grandchildren, and the kids LOVE their Aunt Mindy!

Of course Hannah and Sophie wanted to take their cousins to the "puppy store", our local country goods store by the outlet mall.

The AmericInn in Hesston has swimming for $1.50.
So much fun!

Sunday afternoon we took a trip to Pretty Prairie to visit Al's Dad. He got to see his great-grandson, Elijah for the first time.

We don't know if Dad knew who we were, but he was just all smiles and seemed to say things that made sense. Whenever we bring the children, he seems to be more cognitive and not in some far off place.
We drove out to the farm. Al's brother lives there with his family and they are always open to us "coming home" and letting the kids enjoy the animals.

No place like home!

A friend and I are going through a book by James MacDonald called "Lord, Change My Attitude." It suggests that you determine for a 24 hour period that you don't complain. Carry around a piece of paper to record every time you do so.

Then they suggest an exercize for a lifetime. And that is to record each day 5 things that you are thankful for. "Today I am thankful for....." Big things and little things. This past week we began this. I bought a little notebook just for this. Oh, He has truly blessed me with many good things!!!

Here is a little thanksgiving quote I love!

"O Lord and Maker of all things, thank You for this light that now streams through my windows to rouse me to the life of another day.
Thank You for the life that stirs within me.
Thank You for the bright and beautiful world into which I go.
Thank You for earth and sea and sky, for scudding cloud and singing bird.
Thank You for the work You have given me to fill my leisure hours.
Thank You for friends.
Thank You for music and books and good company and pure pleasures.
To You, who are everlasting mercy, give me a tender heart today toward all those to whom the morning light brings less joy than it brings to me.
Those in whom the pulse of life grows weak.
Those who must lie in bed through all the sunny hours.
The blind, who are shut off from the light of day.
The overworked, who have no joy of leisure.
The unemployed, who have no joy of labor,
The bereaved, whose hearts and homes are desolate;
And grant Your mercy on them all.
'It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to Your Name, O Most High' Psalm 92:1"

I am so grateful for sweet little "bunnies" who come to visit me especially!