Thursday, July 1, 2010


Summer is here in Kansas.

Last month I took these pictures of my garden.

We are having 90-100 degree weather and I am watering - a lot! Trying to keep my pretty flowers alive.

You may notice in this picture that I am carrying an umbrella while watering my plants. No, it isn't that I'm worried about the sun. Do you see that little speck beside the tree? I'm being dive bombed by purple martins! I mean they come within a foot and they screach as they swoop at me! It is scarry!

The umbrella protects me from them.

I now not only have dog-phobia ..... I have purple martin phobia too. I think next year we won't put up our purple martin house. We thought we were being so nice providing them with such nice accomodations and what do they do? They hate us! Hope your babies grow up and you all fly away soon!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


For my birthday I wanted to spend time with a couple of my favorite people! We went to the zoo.

Hippos are one of Sophia's favorite. Speaking of hippos, my grandaughter Emeri's quote for the day: "hippos are called hippos because they have hips. Hips are what hold
them up in the water"

Then this evening my sweet husband took me out to eat.

Sweet day! (Just wish Emeri and Elijah could have been with me too!)

Monday, June 28, 2010


Jill, Hannah, Sophia and I went to Arkansas last week.

It was a LONG drive!

People say that Kansas is hot - but Arkansas is HOT and HUMID!! The girls jumped into the pool soon after we got there!

Josh had worship team practice the evening we arrived and Staci suggested we go to one of her favorite restaurants. We followed Staci but she made a turn and we missed it. The adventure turned out to be fun! Staci directed us via cell phone as she went the way she was going and we went another route. We ended up going through the University of Arkansas campus, including the stadium.

Here is the place Staci wanted to go to.

We didn't know it, but it was Daddy-Daughter date night at Chick-fil-A that evening. Over half the tables had white tableclothes complete with flowers in vases. Each daughter was presented with a flower too. This man was quite the Southern gentleman.

Meeting the cow.

If you look closely in the back, the cow is playing peek-a-boo. Emeri was frightened by the cow, but he slowly eased himself closer and in the end, Emeri even high-fived him.

The gentleman gave each of our little ladies a kiss on the hand. It was just adorable!

Eli didn't get a kiss. He did get a hand shake though. (Notice his KU shirt?! It was from us of course)


Emeri and Eli live right next door to their other grandparents (who are also dear friends of ours). They have a koi pond and the kids got to feed the fish.

Playing in Elijah's walker is a blast!

Bed time story. I think Emeri looks like the baby on the cover!

The next day was also very hot. Josh and Staci have friends just down the street who have a pool and we went to take a dip.


I had purchased these from Bed, Bath & Beyond. Waxed pipe cleaners that bend to make all kinds of things. Hannah loves crafts so I knew she would love these!

Hannah and her mommy made some pretty cool things with them. Hannah came up with a bumblebee all on her own. And the spider too I think.

The cousins took a picture to give to Papa for Father's Day. The mommies were pretty frustrated because the kids didn't cooperate but I thought they turned out ok. The kids were pretty silly!

It was time to go back to Kansas and on our way out of town, of course, we had to make another stop at our new favorite fast food place again!

Would you believe they encourage parents to get in the play gym with their children?

Rumor has it that one of these restaurants will be making their way to Wichita soon! (I know there is one on the WSU campus but it will be fun to have one that is not on a college campus)
It was fun to see you guys! See you again in August!