Friday, August 13, 2010

The rest of our vacation

For the last part of our vacation, we drove to KC and stayed at the:
Our room had a kids' cabin in it. The girls were delighted!

The kids thought it was pretty neat that they had their own tv - which we let them watch early in the morning while we were still groggy and wanted to "pleetle" (I don't know the german spelling for that word - it means to slowly awaken. You know, just lay in bed a little longer.)

The grandkids - you will notice in most pictures that Sophia is a ham.

We took our own food along for breakfasts and lunches. That saved on money. Also, we shared a room with the kids and Josh's shared their room with Staci's folks. We ate out for our evening meals. The first night, we ate at one of my favorite places! It started in Wisconsin. I discovered it when Jill and Adam lived in Green Bay and I would drive the long 14 hour trip there. Culvers is slowly making their way to various states. There are now restaurants in KC and Lawrence and I hope they trickle down to Wichita!

Here are Staci's parents who came on vacation too. Sweet friends!

And Al's brother's family from Pretty Prairie. What a fun party we had!

The first morning there, out of nowhere it began to pour rain. Plans to go miniature golfing were cancelled and we went to the indoor water park instead. It was really good to see rain though. We are parched here in middle Kansas and my plants and lawn are gasping for water.

Silly faces.

The indoor water park was soooooo much fun! Little slides and big slides. Little people things to do and big people things to do.

When the bell begins to ding, time to run over and get doused from this barrell that dumps all this water on you. Better hold on to your top and your britches though! I saw a couple people lose theirs!

Famous Dave's BBQ was another choice of restaurants. Jill had purchased some crafts to use in case it rained while we were at the Gulf. She brought them along and the girls made these crafts and strung some necklaces while waiting for the food to come to the table.

After supper, we went to Cabela's. What a fun place to go!

Wolves scare me! Once on a PBS show, they made the remark that wolves do not attack people. We have 3 separate stories from ancestors who would tell you differently!

We went golfing. It was free because one of the slides was broken and they gave us this in consolation.

Well, while it wasn't the Gulf and it wasn't the ocean, yet it was still a GREAT vacation! Hannah said "I wish we lived here!" I would highly recommend it for families!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Vacation plans

This week we were supposed to be here:

But NOPE. The oil spill had to happen. So we opted for this:

Not exactly Dauphin Island.

Our Arkansas kids came here and it IS good to see them!!! But it would have been fun to have been at the beach with them instead. We were going to go with all the family including grandparents and our daughter-in-law's parents and her grandpa too. Oh well. Another time.

Elijah learned how to wave today!

The kids enjoyed flying a kite.

Look how hot Hannah looks! So grateful for air conditioning with this over 100 degree weather we've been having!

We celebrated Mindy's birthday

and my parent's anniversary.

Today we went to the splash park with some of the young families from church.

And I'll write about the rest of the vacation at another time.