Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kansas Restaurant, March

This is where we were going to go last month, but made a mistake and went to Logan's. Not that Logan's was a mistake, but the coupon I had was for here. And it was quite good!!

The couple we took tonight was Joel and Kendall. We have known them for around 9 years now. They came to our church as newly marrieds. Allen and I had just felt led to begin a young marrieds Bible study small group and they signed up. Here are a few pictures of the "old" days.

On a summer trip to Oklahoma.

A Halloween party we had. Aren't they so clever?!

Christmas - don't you like our holiday sweaters? And Joel being his old goofy self.

The food was quite delicious. Salads, warm bread, sweet potatoes, steak, chicken, ribs...

and a bottle for this little one who came with us.
Thanks for a fun night guys!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Spinning around

This year in Bible study I am doing Beth Moore's "David: Seeking a Heart Like His". This week we looked at Psalm 32. David wrote this Psalm after he confessed his sins. God forgave David of his sin of adultery with Bathsheba and of the murder of her husband.

Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven.
"Blessed" means "sheer happiness". There is no one, absolutely no one He can't redeem. And because that is the kind of God He is, we can experience sheer happiness!

"Rejoice in the Lord and be glad"
The term "be glad" means "to spin around".

Have you ever watched a child spin around in delight? I often have seen my grandchildren spinning and dancing with joy. We can be going through awful times, but when we keep our hand in His, just like a child holds on to her daddy's hand, we can still be happy and spin around. I am so glad that in the "storms" of our lives, we don't have to go it alone. He is there holding on to us, sustaining us. Next time I feel down, I think I will just spin around to remind myself to "be glad" and "be full of sheer happiness" because despite circumstances that can pull me under (which is what the evil one desires) I can hold on to my Father's hand! He will never leave me nor forsake me. Ever.

Tonight at Awana, during our Cubbie singing time, Jon led us in a song called "Happy, happy" and we decided to have the children spin around while we sang it. It was so fun - but we sure got dizzy!

I had to include this picture of my son and his daughter getting ready to go to their church father/daughter dance this past month! Emeri did a lot of spinning and jumping around. She just loved dancing with her daddy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


The girls are in ballet this year.

And they were having pictures taken at the studio.

The girls were to wear make-up so they wouldn't look washed out in the photos. They felt like little princesses!

They had to be careful how they would sit in the car so they wouldn't mash up their tutus.

At the dance studio.

Excited little girls! It will be fun to watch what all they have learned this year at their program in May!