Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hannah's 8-year-old school party

Eight years ago, my first grandchild was born!  I drove 14 hours to Green Bay all by myself.   I was on a mission!!  Al couldn't get off work on such short notice.  He came soon after though. 

And today, we had a party for Hannah at school.

Hannah wanted to have these ice-cream flower pots for her friends at school for her party.

Three beautiful sisters.

Singing Happy Birthday to the birthday girl.

"Is this dirt?"

It even had a "worm" in it.

Hannah's 2nd grade class is studying about bones, so this skeleton has been hanging around class.  Evidently, her name is Herkimer.

After treats, they played a game called "7-Up".  Cute!  Even little Claire got to play along.

Claire was sitting at Hannah's desk.  But then she bumped her head on the desk and she was all done!

Time to go home.  Happy birthday, my sweet granddaughter!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Friend birthday party

Hannah had a Lalaloopsie birthday party with her friends from school.  



The girls were given pillows to sew.  First they sewed on buttons (with help)

then they stuffed the pillows

and then they sewed them shut.


Adam's mom taught them a game to play with the pillows.

Then everyone was ready to eat!!  Sweet Rides provided ice-cream!


(a little sweetheart accompanied Sweet Rides)

Gift time!

Aunt Mindy and little sister
Game time!
 Follow the the activity center
