Saturday, May 18, 2013

a little walk

I took the girls with me to visit Grandpa Pete and Grandma Lois.  It was time for exercise classes so we wheeled Grandpa over.

 We went on a little walk passed the Kaufman Museum and the historic farmstead.

 And into the woods.  Sophie said we should pretend we were in a jungle!
 There are wild creatures lurking!

Hannah wanted to do some photography.  She requested that we walk and don't turn around!

"Hold hands!"
(not that I like my bum photographed!)

We had to see the horses! 
 Hannah knows just how to click her tongue to call them to come.

 One by one they came over to say hi and see if we had anything good to offer them to eat.
 Sorry, just grass.
 On our way back to the home, Sophia picked up a nut and stomped on it to break it open.

 "Onbu" - Japanese word for piggy back

See the siren behind the house?  Necessary tornado warning for our state.  We haven't seen major tornadoes for awhile, but they say this weekend we just might!  I do like storms, but not tornadoes!!!
 Hannah loved taking lots of pictures of various things.

We picked Dad and Mom up from their class and started walking back to their duplex.

Isn't this an interesting quilt?
"Dear Helen" quilt by Ethel Ewert Abrahams in memory of her mother.  Hand pieced and quilted using over 200 different pieces of authentic 1880's fabric.

 As we walked by the cafeteria, we were invited to join their popcorn party.

 I was taking too many shots of someone with their eyes closed so I told them to keep their eyes OPEN!
 And, oh my, they did!

A stop to see the birds.
 And we passed by their friends' Charlie and Lillian's grandma.  We had to say "hi"!

 And Miss Chip from the assisted living unit.

What a fun time we have with Grandpa Pete and Grandma Lois!

Friday, May 17, 2013

These days

I have been posting a lot of pictures from our Israel trip, but today I digress.

The fog this morning was so pretty!  Almost looks like mountains.

The sun rise through the fog.

The weather has been nice and I got a shot of Al having his morning devotions out on the porch.

Look at this guy riding a 3-wheeler out back.  I wonder how comfortable those are.  I have remarked to Al that I should get training wheels for my bike.  I don't have the balance I used to and have taken a couple of spills.

A dove on my deck

Looking out my front window I see a robin who has laid her eggs in the tree in front of my kitchen window.  Every year it seems I will find a robin in a different tree.  This is a first time for this birch.

I got a shot of only 2 eggs.

Yesterday I thought I would look again.  Usually robins lay 4 eggs.  I was surprised to find babies!

I don't want to bother mommy robin, but I will try another peek.  Are there 2 or 3 babies?  I heard a kitty meowing around.  Mommy robin and a cardinal were scolding it.  I hope the kitty won't climb into the tree and get these sweet little babies!

Yesterday I had LOTS of shopping to do.  The list was long!  It was time to go to Wichita.  Some things I just can't find in our town.  I like to shop locally and I really like the size of our town!, but I do enjoy a hop to the big city!  I especially like this place!!  

It is not uncommon for Jill and I to spend 2 hours in that store!!  My younger daughter does NOT like to shop with us when we go there.  She is more of a "check it off my list and get out of there" kind of girl.

I had to put up the shades for the first time this year.  I have resorted to the air-conditioning too.

By Target was one of these trucks that transports huge panes of glass.  There was shattered glass all over the road!  Poor guy!  He and a fellow truck driver were sweeping up all the broken glass.  There are going to be some unhappy customers!  And an unhappy boss I imagine!

I was hoping to meet up with my younger daughter, but it ended up she was not able.  But between my shopping list and the 6 stores I had to hit, I turned off at all the garage sale signs I could spot!

I LOVE good bargains!!

And who doesn't love a stop here!!

I have to admit that after 9 hours in the big city, I was totally exhausted!!  My body paid for it and I had to hit the pain meds throughout the night.  Aahhh, but what an enjoyment to make good deals!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Jordan River and the Wilderness

We went to Bethany beyond the Jordan where John the Baptist would have baptized.

The river used to be much bigger and wider than it is today.

In those days, people were baptized (immersed) for various reasons; for ritual cleansing, for purification of diseases, if you touched a dead animal or person, for repentance from sins, if a Gentile would convert, he would need to be baptized for proclamation of doctrine, or if one was being ordained as a rabbi, he would also be baptized.  At the age of 30, one can be ordained a rabbi.

John would inaugurate Jesus into His public Messianic mission.

We were told that when they were baptized, one would walk into the water and immerse himself.  The rabbi who was presiding would not dunk them as they do today.  One who was baptized was "submitting to the rabbi's authority".

Saying once again - "I submit to Your authority, Rabbi Jesus!"

Our bus then drove along this winding road (the Jericho road) out to the wilderness.  We were told that story of the Good Samaritan would have taken place along this road.

Sarah would have sent Hagar out to her death here.  But the angel of the Lord showed her mercy.

Our next stop was the wilderness.  It was a good place for bandits to hide.  And a place of flash floods.  It was literally the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
It is likely that somewhere around here Jesus was tempted by the Adversary.  "He was in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satan.  He was with the wild animals, and angels attended Him."  Mark 1:13  If the adversary could persuade Jesus to work outside God's design at the outset of His ministry, the perhaps Jesus would not complete God's ultimate work - the cross!

Isn't it just like the accuser to attack one who desires to submit their lives to the authority of God?