Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Moving on

Allen and I have led a few young married's groups over the years. This past year, we took a break from leading and sent this group off on their own.

We decided to reconnect and invited those 
who were here over for supper this week.

I wish you could hear some of their stories.  Although a few grew up in Christian homes, some had some rather rough backgrounds.  And some have gone through some hard things in life.  But God has become their refuge and strength.  Their Rescuer.

Some of these girls began a ministry called Missing Motherhood 
and it will be taken to other communities as well.

We have been amazed at how God has led each of them.  First of all, there have been several moves.  One couple moved to Oklahoma.  They were almost hit by that tornado in Moore! -like a couple of blocks from it!  Another couple moved to K.C. and one more to Springdale, Ark.  In the picture below, we "talked" with one of those couples via computer (and then phone, since for some reason the computer didn't work out).

God has been at work in each of these couples lives and now more are branching off to other places where God is calling them - to begin a church plant in Cincinnati, and another to begin a church plant in Park City, Ks, one couple has moved to Hutchinson and is seeking God's leading there, and one has been helping with the church plant in Moundridge.  It seems that out of the original group, only 1 couple will remain in our midst!!  And they are pretty important in our church body doing techy stuff.

We are so proud of these kids; how they are listening to the Lord, leaving their comfort zone and serving the Him!

It reminds me of this old hymn.  I doubt any of them know this hymn.  Allen and I found out quickly that we were pretty "not with it" any more.  Ha!!  We loved them anyway, even though there were times we had no idea what they were talking about!  But, they are following Christ and I know will continue to impact the Kingdom!

I can hear my Savior calling, 
 I can hear my Savior calling, 
 I can hear my Savior calling, 
 "Take thy cross and follow, follow me." 
 Where he leads me I will follow, 
 where he leads me I will follow, 
 where he leads me I will follow; 
 I'll go with him, with him all the way.