Friday, October 18, 2013

Christy's wedding

My friend, Jennifer's daughter got married this past weekend.

It was a picture perfect day!!  Everything about it!!
Who doesn't love PIE at a wedding???!!


sweet little flower girls with their grandpa

 and grandma - just got your feet in the picture, Connie.  Sorry!  You have adorable grandbabies!!

Jennifer and I have known each other for many years and have been in Bible study together since the time our children were young.  She is such a dear friend!!  She lived in Africa for several years and her husband was an MK, just as I was.  Actually, her in-laws and my parents went to school together in Omaha at Grace Bible Institute and were friends too!

 Christy and my daughter, Mindy went to school together for awhile too and were friends.

 What did I tell you about pies??  Love!  Did you know I always get a birthday pie instead of birthday cake?

 Blessings, Mr. and Mrs. McGarity!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


This past week we went to see the grand children.  We are having a beautiful fall!  The weather is just incredible!  So nice to play outside!

 Claire goes down the slide all by herself now!  Over and over.


I had seen a cool swing on-line .  But when we saw this chair on sale at Target, we thought we could make the swing and all for around $20!  Al took the legs off the chair and he and Hannah put nylon rope through it. Al had Hannah look on-line for some knotting techniques.

This phone camera is not the best - but here is a shot of Sophia flipping the swing.  It also twirls around.

Lots of fun!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


In March when we went to Israel, we were fortunate to be able to meet Dr. Gabriel Barkay.  We were so excited to hear he was coming to Wichita to Central Christian to speak!  

Of course we had to go!

We went a little early to pick up something at Walmart.  Imagine our surprise to see these jeans!  
We got a laugh out of that.  Some clerk either screwed up or someone was having fun.  Instead of $19.99, they were advertised as $99! 

What a privilege to see Gabi again!  Someone said that he is like the "rock star" of archaeology and quite impressive to be able to have him in Kansas!  When we were in Israel, I showed him a little card with the priestly benediction on it and he asked me if I could find it for him too.

So it was fun to be able to present it to him in person instead of mailing it!

Gabi is quite famous, like I said.  He is even listed in Wikipedia!

  Basically, Gabriel Barkay is a famous Israeli archaeologist and one of his most famous finds are small silver scroll amulets that contain the priestly benediction from Numbers.  They are the oldest surviving Biblically-related inscriptions discovered so far, dating back to 600 BC.  Even older than the Dead Sea scrolls!

 After the talk, Al and I went to Panera to eat a late supper.  It is one of our favorite places!

And here are a few pictures from our visit with Gabi in Israel, at an old cemetery site:

This is the hole in which he discovered the priestly blessing from Numbers.

Gabi tells the story that they had looked in the hole earlier but thought that the aushuary (box where bones are kept - the body is laid on the shelf for a year, then after the year is up the bones are placed in this box and the shelf is re-used)  and any artifacts left in there had been stolen.  One day some 12 year olds came to "help" out at the site.  One boy was a little bother, so Gabi sent him in this hole to clean it up.  This little boy got bored and began to hammer the floor.  And behold!  under this floor (which really had been the ceiling that collapsed during an earthquake) were many treasures, including these silver scrolls!  It took them 3 years to unroll the little scrolls without damaging them.

They are now in the museum at Jerusalem.

Numbers 6:24-26

“The Lord bless you

    and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Taste of Newton

I am really far behind on my posts!   Life is really BUSY right now!

An annual fun thing to do in our town is go to the Taste of Newton!

Thousands show up each year for this!  Lots of food!  It's all about the food!  Verenike, pork chops, pies, New Years' cookies, walking tacos, bierrocks, grilled corn on the cob.......

The first thing Adam wanted to do was eat some pork chop!

Lots of babies in strollers!

Claire had enough walking too (or maybe it was that her parents had enough running after her), 
so she ended up in the stroller too.

 I think Adam is describing to Dave how big his pork chop was!

Yummy food and so fun to run into lots of friends!