Saturday, November 9, 2013

Christ in Christmas

Mom 2 Mom

I always look forward to M2M.  I attend the evening session to get inspired, and then help with babysitting/story telling for the morning session.

Kelli did a GREAT job of decorating!

 These sweet mamas were the speakers for this month's M2M.

They shared about keeping Christ as the most important part of the season, beginning with spending time each day with Him.  This prepares your heart and will help keep one thinking about what really is important about the season.  It was just calming listening to them and I already felt less frazzled about the upcoming holidays! One resource they shared was Noel Piper's "TreasuringGod in Our Traditions".

They shared really neat ideas for keeping Christ 
the center of Christmas for your children.  
It is not all about Santa and getting gifts for themselves.  
They gave ideas like taking cookies to a widow or singing at an old folks' home.
And how to decorate the home with Christ-centered decorations.

This is a Jesse Tree.  What is a Jesse Tree?
 "The Jesse Tree represents the family tree, or genealogy of Jesus Christ.  It tells the story of God's plan of Salvation, beginning with creation and continuing through the Old Testament, to the coming of the Messiah. The name comes from Isaiah 11:1, "Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit." 

Each day of Advent a homemade ornament is added to the Jesse Tree, a small tree made of evergreen branches. (or as in this case, a felt one) These symbolic ornaments can each represent a prophecy foretelling of Christ. Other variations include creating ornaments that represent the ancestors in the lineage of Christ, or using the various monogram symbols of Christianity as handmade ornaments."  Check out this link!
There are several sites on-line that you can either print out the ornaments or you can even purchase one on-line if you want.
Thank you Jess, Julie and Kendall!!!
Next month.....

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Random fall photos

Claire likes to get into her sissies things when they are at school!

I go see the grandchildren whenever I am able.  Is there anyone else who feels that the 13 mile road seems a LOT longer than 13 miles?

Fall colors

Last week it rained 4 1/2 inches one night and 3 inches the next.  Our creek out back which is usually nearly dry was overflowing.

Sky pics

And since it is November, remember:

 "Let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe."  Hebrews 12:28