Saturday, December 7, 2013


Every year my Bible study friends and I go out for a Christmas outing.  

The plan this year was a trip to Abilene, but the weather was bitter cold and we didn't want to chance getting stranded along the way and we didn't know about the possibility of sleet/ice/snow.  

So we decided to stay in town.  We found a nice warm spot to meet for coffee to start our day.

 There were several who couldn't make it, but those of us who did had a great time!

After an hour of laughing and fun, we went to several shops.
 fallen angel?

Thanking Him for the blessing of friends this Christmas season!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Train station and skate park

Our town is a railroad town.

Any Newtonian knows that there are many times you have to wait a long time for a train at the railroad crossing.  I have learned to put a book or magazine in the car to read while waiting for the trains.

When the kids came for Thanksgiving, Al wanted to take the grandkids downtown to see a train up close.

 In Japan, our trains were mostly passenger trains and only 3 to 5 cars long.  I can remember the shock of how long the trains were here in America.  It is not uncommon to see freight trains with almost 100 cars!

There is a skate park by the railroad station and Sophia asked if we could go.  Perfect since the kids had brought along their scooters.

 A little park beside it too.  Such fun!

Hannah told us it was the BEST DAY EVER after Winterjam (the concert her daddy took them too).

A definite big hit with them and we will have to plan to go again!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thankful, yet again

I have said before that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.
Time to say Thank You to the One who blesses us.

When I was growing up, we would often receive packages from the States from our grandparents or other people and my mother was quite firm that we always wrote thank you notes.  When my children were little, I made sure that my children also always sent thank you cards whenever they received a gift.

I can remember grandma saying that if she sent a gift and the grandchild did not respond, she did not know if the children got the gift in the mail, or maybe they didn't really care.  She said she felt like not even sending a gift any more if they didn't appreciate it enough to send a thank you.

I think God likes to hear our "thank You's" too!

Thank You for the gift of music!
(isn't it funny how no one wants to sit on the front row at church?)

Thank you for fun family times!

My grandchildren are thankful for Nana's new phone so they can play games!

Thank You for healthy bodies! 

For fun bath times!

Thank You for the puppy store!

Thank You for Aunt Mindy who plays "house" or "Italian Noodles" restaurant with the grandkids.

Thankful for fun game times.

You have blessed us beyond measure, God.  May I have a grateful heart always.

In everything give thanks 
             for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 
                                                                 1 Thessalonians 5:18