Saturday, May 17, 2014

Another graduation!

It is the weekend of lots of graduations!
Today I went to my niece's.

She received 2 scholarships!  Congratulations, Susie!

A very teary moment was when the graduates gave their moms a single rose.
It was too dark to get a picture, but Susie and her mom just 
kept hugging, and hugging some more and crying.
All of us in our row were in tears!

Afterwards, we went to Rice County Builders - the lumberyard for a party.
I can honestly say I've never been to a party in a lumberyard before!
It was pretty cool!

Each person who came filled out their name on a puzzle piece.

My gift to Susie was a "showers of blessings" umbrella.

Susie is an extremely talented artist and will be furthering her education in art.

Dad and Mom are going to miss their baby when she leaves town!

Friday, May 16, 2014


For those of you who are interested, here is a link to help the Howells.

 Because they live closer than 50 miles from the hospital, they are not able to use the Ronald McDonald House. But because Kari is nursing her 1 month old, they need a place close by. They got a room in a hotel across from the hospital. This way Kari can go over to see Kayla. When she returns to the hotel, she has to shower and change clothes so that the baby won't get infected. It would be very critical if he got it.

Another link is to go to Facebook and ask to join Praying for Kayla.

They do not know how long she will be in ICU and then recovery, so expenses are adding up.  If you are able to help, that would be great!  For locals who know the family, you may want to take a meal.  Contact me on Facebook or comment and I can connect you with the girl who is helping with that.

Do not forget to pray for the other families who are still dealing with their sick children too! They  may not be as sick, but it is still difficult for the moms.  And they are worried about the siblings getting it too.  There are several little 1 year olds and other age siblings who have been exposed.

Today our Bible study group all signed up for an hour throughout the day to pray. Amanda gave us ideas of what to pray for. Perhaps you can pray too?

   That the kidney function levels would go down.
   That her dialysis port will work properly.
   That she will be calm and at peace in whoever's lap during dialysis
   For her understanding of things, her confusion, fear, everything going on in her little mind
   For her thirst, and that she'll not be upset when she can't have water.
   Strength for the family
   That Jackson won't catch it
   That Kari's body will stay healthy, that her milk supply won't be affected by the stress
   That God would draw them to Him during this time.

                                  Do not fear, for I am with you;
                                       Do not anxiously look about you,
                                                  for I AM your God!
                                 I will strengthen you,
                                                        surely I will help you,
                                 Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
                                                                         Isaiah 41:10

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sweet babies

My last 2 blogs were about our young mom's Bible study group.  I LOVE this group of women!  I am posting this blog to ask anyone who reads this to be in prayer.

Recently, as the end of the year tradition, we had a couple of play dates.  A few days afterwards, some of the children (5 now) have come down with E.Coli.   They all have had various complications.  One was not severe at all, but 2 ended up in the hospital.  One child was released today, but sweet little Kayla has turned worse.  She is now fighting HUS - Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, a complication from E.Coli 0157-H7.

Today her kidneys quit working.   She went through her first round of dialysis to help her kidneys get back up and functioning.

Would you PLEASE PRAY for this child?  And for her family.  The parents are Justin and Kari.  They need strength and endurance.  They are having trouble sleeping.  You can only imagine the anxiety, the not knowing.  You can ask to join a prayer group for her on facebook.  Look up "Praying for Kayla".

And pray for the other children who have symptoms; diarrhea, vomitting, fever.

One little boy's family was headed to Colorado for vacation and have turned around to come back as he turned ill.

Here are some pictures from the play dates.

Such precious children!  

As Sarah and I drove to the hospital today, we read some promises from the Lord and prayed for them.

Psalm 18:6
But in my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears.

Isaiah 43:1  
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
    I have called you by name; you are mine.

Isaiah 16:8
I know the Lord is always with me.
    I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.

John 14:27
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

Would you pray with us?

Monday, May 12, 2014


Last week our granddaughter graduated from kindergarten!

So proud of you, Emeri!!

Sophia is finishing up kindergarten soon at her school also.  And Hannah will graduate from the 3rd grade! They still have another week to go.

As school ends, so do after school activities, like ballet.  Sophia had her ballet recital and she did beautifully! No pictures allowed so I didn't take my camera.  Only my phone camera, which doesn't always perform.
After the recital, we did our traditional ice-cream run.

The children are not the only ones "graduating".
Emeri and Eli got a butterfly kit this year and it was time for the butterflies to leave the nest!
They got the butterflies when they were just caterpillars.
Hannah and Sophia did this a couple of years ago also.

 The butterflies are so tame!


 They would even fly back onto their hands after they had been released.
Their new playground.

It will be only too soon that the children will have grown up and fly the coop so to speak!