Thursday, August 14, 2014

Twenty-five years

Yesterday was the anniversary of Mom Graber's passing onto glory.
(I would have blogged yesterday but had to admit my own mother to the hospital with heart problems)

Kathern Marie Graber was born to Chris and Anna Graber.

This photo was taken just before Grandpa Graber passed away.

I love this picture of Grandma Graber reading her Bible.

Baby Kathern

Mom grew up in a modest home.
She is the youngest.

She attended Castleton highschool.  It is also the same highschool that my Dad attended.  In fact, in this picture below, she is in the front behind the drum and my Dad is behind her!
My Dad and Al's mother even had a couple of dates together!
 I think that's a hoot!

In this photo, Al's mom is 4th from the left.  My Dad is in the middle back.

After highschool, she went to business school.

She married Elmer (Bill) Graber, her 2nd cousin
She didn't even have to change her name!
Doesn't that make Al a 3rd cousin to himself?
 Aren't they a handsome pair?!


 This was the year that I first met Al.  It is possible actually that we also met when we were 2, when we came back to the States and went to the same church, but of course I cannot recall that.  I do remember Al in the 8th grade though, when we again came to the States!  I had a crush on him!  I don't know that he even knew I existed.  Well, that isn't true.  Our class was small - about 40 kids and I did sit in front of him part of the year.  Mostly I was probably a wierdo missionary kid who dressed funny.

But several years later, he fell in love with me!!

Mom had a profound influence on my life.
She was so kind.  Never an unkind word for anyone. 
My parents went back to Japan and she took me under her wings.
Taught me how to cut up a chicken and do so many other things!

She was a wonderful grandmother to our children!!
She rocked all of them in this rocker (which now is in my livingroom!)

Here they are meeting Mindy for the first time!

She always had M&Ms in hand for them!

 Besides being a wonderful farm wife, she worked at the bank in town and also was a very accomplished pianist.  She played piano for many people and especially enjoyed being a part of the Quiet Place Singers for 13 years!
 When we learned she had pancreatic cancer, we were devastated.  
We talked about the dying process is a little similar to birthing.  The labor can be short (as was hers.  She would barely make it to the hospital in time!) or can be very long.  Dying can be sudden or be drawn out.  Labor can be very painful.  It must be scary for the infant.  And the process of dying can be scary too.  The parents are so anxious to meet their precious new one and have been preparing the room just for him.  And Jesus is waiting for us and can't wait for us to come to the place He is preparing just for us!  And once that infant is in the loving arms of his parents, there is no way that it would want to go back in the womb.  In the same way, once we are welcomed by the Saviour, we will not long for this world.  

We can't wait to see you again, Mom Graber!!  We miss you very much!!  (Do you think they have M&M's in heaven?)

But we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve like other people who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so through Jesus God will bring those who have died with him. 1 Thess. 4:13

Monday, August 11, 2014

Four days, cont.

(...continuation of what we did during the 4 days we had the grandchildren)

The girls had pool time - 

 They wrestled Papa -

Helped wash the cars -


We went up north to go on the trails and to see the horses -


We had dinner with Grandpa Pete and Grandma Lois and celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary -


We played games -

And did more watering of flowers

Papa said "I just filled up that fountain.  I wonder if it has a leak?"

We had such a fun time, but after the 4 days the girls were happy to see their mommy and daddy again!