Friday, October 17, 2014

Yard work

We got a call early one day.
"Can you come help us with some yard work?"

 Happy to help!

Hannah likes to climb up high in the evergreen! 

 The girls decided to play sword fighting.

 The chrysalis of a praying mantis!

Adam decided Hannah is big enough to mow.

Sophia loves to wear her "glasses".  
She doesn't need real ones.
These are just plain glass.
Sometimes she puts them on the top of her head, like I do.
She tells me she is like me.

I think it is just so cute that she wants to be like me.  God wants us to be godly - to take on His values, His attitudes and character.  We are meant to  "take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you." (Ephesians 4:22 The Message)

She wants to be like me because she loves me.  Why?  Because I pour out my love for her! 

1 John 4:19We love him, because he first loved us.

 Christ loves us and because of our love for Him, we want to be like Him!  

And it takes a lot of pruning on His part!  Allow that!

‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.'  John 15

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Barn Sale - part 2

I woke up on Friday morning, thinking it was Saturday.

It was pouring rain.
Great for ducks but not for Barn Sales!!

"Poor Kerry."  I thought.  What an awful day for a barn sale.  It took me quite awhile to remember that it was only Friday.

Saturday was a beautiful morning!

 You can see that it rained all day on Friday!

I love Kerry's blog about being a wife on a dairy farm!  I Married a Milkman.

 I found quite a few things - some are tucked away hidden for Christmas!

 She makes incredible cupcakes and I bought a dozen - 
                               chocolate mocha and banana nut.

Thank you for the fun barn sale, Kerry!!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Barn sales - part 1

Every year I look forward to Beki's Barn Sale!!  Well, technically it is called the Kansas Barn Sale.

It was a couple of weekends ago and this year my daughter and grand kids had other plans and couldn't come with me.  That's ok.  I don't mind shopping by myself!  

I parked in the field to the east of Beki's house.
I got there a little early.  I had just finished my monthly bird watching that I go to in North Newton and it was done by 8:30 so I just hopped up the country roads and got in line before they opened.  Good thing I went when I did as the line was pretty long!
 Then I saw the line begin to excited!  It didn't take much time to get us all in!

There were lots of people!!   Everyone and their dog!  Ha!  Lots of excitement and people seemed so happy about all they were finding.  I LOVED the vendors!

Sweet Beki.  She is an awesome entrepreneur!!  She has her own company called the Rusted Chain.  I have a few of her fantastic pieces!  There are some pretty famous people who have purchased her jewelry!

I don't take my husband to these kinds of things.  I saw lots of men there but my husband would just look at this stuff and wonder why they are selling junk!  Ha!  He doesn't understand how cool all this looks!

I used to have a little lamb like that when I was a little girl! 
I've got hedge balls in my back yard!  I use them for decorations too!

Isn't this a fantastic barn?
Did you know that it is used for weddings??
Check it out!  Emma Creek Barn.
The day of the sale, the barn is used for eats.

Then I spied this table.  I knew it was just the thing for me!

The lady helped me carry it to my car.  It was really heavy!  She was such a dear!

As I left, I noticed cars were parked on down the road and people were walking from a long ways away!   I was going real slow so as not to hit cars or people.

The neighbor dog was wondering what to think about all the cars driving by and parked by his house. 
 So glad Beki had such a successful barn sale!  Lots of money raised also for ICTSOS to end human trafficking in Wichita and Youth Horizons.

And here is my big find from the sale! 

Can't wait for next year!