Thursday, December 25, 2014

San Diego

Jill called to tell me she had been with my mom.  Mom is getting weaker.  I am so glad we were able to move her into the home before we left for California!  God was just directing!  Mom told Jill, "God is so faithful.  He's so very faithful!"  She told Jill "Don't let your mother come home early from her trip."

We made it to San Diego and dropped off the rental car by the airport.  Look how insanely close that plane looks to the buildings!

Our friend, Kathy arrived to pick us up.

Before heading to her house, she took us on a tour to Point Loma.
Here is a veteran's cemetery overlooking the ocean. Just beautiful!

Point Loma is historically important as the landing place of the first European expedition to come ashore in present-day California. The peninsula has been described as "where California began". Today, Point Loma houses two major military bases, a national cemetery, a national monument, and a university, in addition to residential and commercial areas.

We saw a sub going out to sea.

It was getting dark, so it was time to go to Don and Kathy's home.  Next post....

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Not in Kansas

We don't see this in Kansas....

some guy trimming palm trees with chain saws

Santa out in 70 degree weather 
 blimps  -  at least I've not seen any

piers on the ocean 


 we DO have Amtrak in Kansas, but we do NOT have a track along the ocean!

 a restaurant that sits above the surf
 we have land sea gulls (that sounds like an oxymoron), not sea sea gulls.

 fresh fish tacos