Saturday, January 3, 2015


Kathy took us to the Midway, the aircraft carrier that Don had served on when he was in the navy.

It is one of America's longest serving aircraft carriers, a virtual floating city that about 225,000 sailors lived on while they served our country.   It is now docked in San Diego and is a museum.

 There was a ceremony honoring some retiring officers.
 There are 29 restored aircraft on the deck.  Don used to fly one like this.
  This was Don's squadron logo.

 Tired of flying?  Looks like the seagull wants a ride.

Kathy showed us all around the ship. 

Because Harley, Al's brother, was a chef on the Oriskany, we enjoyed seeing the kitchen.

 "Decommissioned in 1976, the Oriskany was sold for scrap in 1995, but was repossessed in 1997 because nothing was being done (lack of progress). In 2004 it was decided to sink her as an artificial reef off the coast of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico. After much environmental review and remediation to remove toxic substances, she was carefully sunk in May 2006, settling in an upright position at a depth accessible to recreational divers. As of 2008 the Oriskany is "the largest vessel ever sunk to make a reef"."

An interesting fact is that the Oriskany is mentioned in the 1986 film Top Gun as the ship from which the main character's father had flown during the Vietnam War.

 This is the room Don ate most of his meals.

 They placed a dummy on the toilet.  Or is it?

It was dark by the time we finished our tour.  Kathy was an excellent tour guide!!  

We decided to go to The Fish Market, an upscale restaurant located next to the Midway.  You can see the lights of the ship from the restaurant.

 This restaurant has been operating since the early 1900's.

One can also purchase fish here.  Fresh each day. 

It was a great day.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I did not sleep well.  The guest room was comfortable, but I was worried about my mother.  Mom called earlier and had told me not to worry, that the staff at the home were taking such good care of her.  But as she mentioned that she had dropped her phone, I could tell her breathing was getting quite labored.  "Mom, we will get you a new phone when we get home."  I had no idea that it would not be necessary.  We still did not know that Mom was so close to dying.

Kathy, the wonderful tour guide she is, took us to Coronado.

The first stop was at a hot dog restaurant.  
I have to say it was my first time at a restaurant that solely served hotdogs. 
 Deluxe hotdogs.  Therefore, the name, Delux.

They serve all kinds of hotdogs.  All-American, the slaw dog, Reuben, Lebowski or polish hot dog.
 I ordered the "Tokyo", with nori, or seaweed on top.  Quite unusual, but good!

After filling up, we headed for the famous hotel.  We were able to park fairly close.  The dunes spell out "Coronado".

Look at this fancy elevator!  I wanted to take a picture of the little man that ran the elevator,
 but he was pretty firm that he did not want that.  

 Kathy explained to us that this hotel was destined for demolition, but the then-governor Reagan saved it!   So glad!  Isn't it just grand??
You can read more about the island and hotel here.

It was raining when we were there.

A storm was brewing and the waves were pounding the surf.

As we were leaving the island, we passed this fairy-tale house.  Oh my goodness!!  I would love to live in a house like that!  I'm afraid we just can't afford California, and especially Coronado, home prices!

The shuttles of His purpose move
     To carry out His own design;
Seek not too soon to disapprove
     His work, nor yet assign
Dark motives, when, with silent tread,
     You view some somber fold;
For lo, within each darker thread
     There twines a thread of gold.

     Spin cheerfully,
     Not tearfully.
He knows the way you plod;
     Spin carefully,
     Spin prayerfully,
But leave the thread with God.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Friends' welcoming home

After Kathy took us to Pt. Loma (prior post), she drove us to their home in Chula Vista.

Don had arrived home from work and was icing his foot.
He had had surgery and a day in shoes was still a little difficult for him.

I am not a dog person, but Daisy was pretty special!

 Kathy fixed dinner for us and we talked and laughed for a long time!  How good to reconnect with our friends who have moved to California.  We used to be in small group at church together and then they also worked with me in the nursery for some time as check-in workers.

Their home is just "delicious"!!  I told Kathy it looked like a Pottery Barn home!

When you live by the sea, of course, you have to have ornaments that reflect that!

 There was a picture of the grandkids, who attend church with us and are quite adorable!!  Luckily, Don and Kathy are able to fly back fairly often to give hugs!

 They remodeled this home and I just love it!

Don was in the navy and they spent part of the time in Japan.  There was a really nice painting of Mt. Fuji (Fuji-yama) on the cupboard.

I forgot to get a picture of the room we stayed in, but the quilt in there was red and so very pretty!  And at the end of the bed, she had draped a quilt made by her aunt that had red flowers on it.  Like I said, Pottery Barn style.

 The cool thing about California, is that you can spend much of your living time outdoors.  You can leave doors open and not worry about bugs flying in.  Kansas, not so much.  It is windy, it is too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer, and of course, bugs all the time.  You cannot leave doors ajar!

You can see the mountains of Mexico from their back yard.

I could hear a little trill from the trees.
A yellow-rumped warbler, I think. 
 We had such a good time with these two!  Wonderful hostesses and friends!