Saturday, April 18, 2015

Parenting, part 1

We got our taste of parenting once again.  Adam and Jill went to Florida to the Gospel Coalition pastor's conference so we took care of the girls for several days.

Girls arrive - 
They arrived early Sunday morning.  The girl's had their little worship band before we took them to church.


Following the plane on Flight Tracker.

We went to church and after it was over, went home for lunch and a nap for Claire.
 The girls worked on an art project.

And here is what they looked like once we hung it up at their house.

When Claire woke up from her nap, we drove out to Pretty Prairie, to the home place.  

Car - 

We drove 2 cars.  I drove the van with the girls and Al took our Taurus as we were giving it to our niece.

We just got ourselves a new vehicle this past week.

Sarah, here is the picture to show Luke.  Al will still drive his truck to work for awhile, but he will at times drive this when I need the pickup.  (Luke enjoys driving through the hospital parking lot looking for Al's vehicle.)

Easter egg hunt - 

My nieces and I hid eggs for the kids.  Our grandkids were the only children there that day so they got all the eggs!  

Molly found the first egg! 


Do you see it?

 For family that is reading this, look at the new addition!!  I'll post about this next!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Hope Renewed - part 2

On Saturday, I was not able to get there in time for the worship as I needed to be with my Dad.  But I did get there in time to hear the speaker, Shannon Martin.  You can read her blog at 

 From her blog:  Shannan Martin is a writer who found her voice in the country and her story in the city. She and her jail chaplain husband, Cory, have four funny children who came to them across oceans and rivers. Having sold their dream farmhouse, they now live entrenched in community on the wrong side of the tracks. They’re surprised every day by God’s goodness.

What a story she had!  The ideal life she had planned for herself and her husband was not what God had in mind for them.  He had something SO MUCH BIGGER so His glory would be magnified.  
He settles the childless woman in her home
as a happy mother of children.
Praise the Lord.   Psalm 113:9

I love this verse that speaks to me as a Mom:  
He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.  Isaiah 40:11  

His plan may not be ours.  We have to listen to Him and follow His direction.  I love this next verse that speaks to His sovereignty too!!

Acts 17:26-27 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.  God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

A great meal was catered

And then we did a fun craft!

It was fun and easy for some of us who aren't the craftiest people in the world!

Thanks, ladies who planned this!  I'm so glad I was able to participate in this and "fellowship" with several!  Before my next busy and fun week with grand kids!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hope Renewed - part 1

This past weekend, I attended the Hope Renewed conference at our church.

I wasn't sure if I could do it.  Our kids were headed to Orlando for a Gospel Coalition conference for pastors and I was going to be spending Sunday - Thursday with the grandkids.  A busy time.

A couple of people encouraged me to do it anyway, even if I couldn't be there the whole time.  It began Friday evening.  It was pretty relaxed.  

There was a testimony from this adoptive mom on the left.

The adoptive mom on the right is a sweet friend who is soon moving to Colorado Springs, where her husband has gotten a job with Compassion. 
We will MISS her, but know God is leading them! 
You can read her blog here.  She tells how God is directing them.  

I loved what she shared - that God knows us intimately because He lives IN us!

Lindsey, so full of energy, spunk and just a lot of fun, taught us a game.

This was followed by ice-cream and just good fellowship.

Someone once said that fellowship is like "2 fellows in the same ship".  Adoptive moms understand eachother, so I guess that does fit the description.  So many people don't get why some of us have chosen to expand our families through adoption.

The evening ended with a movie -
"Girls Night Out".

What a great idea to offer us blankets to snuggle under while we watched the movie!

Along with popcorn!

Incidently, I was the oldest one there!!  My good friend, Shirley, age 80 (who inspired us to adopt) was on her way to China.  And another "older" mom got sick and couldn't come either.  These young moms are all in the midst of raising their kids.

Part 2 - Saturday, next post.