Friday, April 24, 2015

Spring time

The last couple of weeks the trees have begun to leaf out.

Spring is here!

Tiny bud and lovely flower
All the fragrant bloom of spring
Show the sweetness and the beauty
Of my Sov'reign and my King.

Can't wait for the peonies to bloom!

Time for spring thunderstorms

 Aren't they beautiful!!  In an onimous sort of way!
The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide,
    A shelter in the time of storm;
Secure whatever ill betide,
    A shelter in the time of storm.

                  O Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, A weary land, A weary land
                  O Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm.

Greening up!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Parenting, part 3

Each morning we had special breakfasts.
                       On this morning, Sophia helped with the french toast.   

I had to bring my Keurig of course!

Sophia and Hannah begged that we come join them for lunch.  So Claire and I walked to the school. Claire began to run and fell down and scraped up her knees.  Poor dear.

After lunch, we went to visit the school animals.

This one chicken has some wacky hair! 

Claire and I had time to play while the girls were at school.  They got these play horses from their great aunt Terry.  On two of the days their Gramsie and Great Aunt Terry came to play with the children while I had the day to go back home and catch up on my "to do" list.

She likes to line up her Little People.


Sophia had ballet one day after school.

Claire and I went to the park close by.  Claire had to give the Mennonite immigrant a hug.

Papa came each day after work and stayed to help me put the girls down for bed. 

One day we all happened to wear plaid!

 Playing outside -

 "Look at this dust!  It's revolutionary!"

Claire was singing "Jack and Jill went up the hill...."

As Sophia was playing in the bath with Claire, she asked her "Claire, do you like this?"
To which Claire replied "It's heavenly!"

What a wonderful few days parenting once again!  "Heavenly!"

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Parenting, part 2

The Farm -

It is always a joy to go back "home" where Al grew up.  His youngest brother lives there now with his family.
The truck sits on a slab of cement.  A round top used to be located here, but in 1987 it caught fire and burnt down.  The smoke could be seen as far away as Wichita and Hutchinson!

 The girls just LOVED playing outdoors at the farm!

"Here kitty kitty!  I want to hold you!"

 The farm cats aren't tame, unfortunately.
 Oh well, on to other things.

The Remodel -

Sid and Gayle have been remodeling the home.  In process.....

...still in process, but the outside is almost done!  We really like it!
 The new deck, a great place to visit and to grill!

The new kitchen - twice the size it used to be!
Al's Mom would have absolutely loved this!!

Until the remodeling is completed, their bed is in the living room.

The master bathroom.  It is located where the bedroom used to be and the master bedroom is where the living room was.  (for those of you who read this that know this house and wonder how it is arranged)

We are all so happy for Sid and Gayle!