Saturday, August 1, 2015

Posing with statues

I took the 4 older cousins to the zoo.
They told me that they wanted to pose with the statues we came across.
So, there are a lot of goofy statue poses on this post.

 The kids all washed their hands, and then I had them sit tight on a bench while I went to the restroom.  They took this selfie while I was gone.
 I didn't know the zoo got pelicans!
 Hannah has written a letter to the zoo saying we should get some sea creatures, like seals and whales.

 And the obligatory penguin pose!
 Look how they've grown!

Lunch break



 Getting tired - needing a ride

Just as we finished and got to the car, the skies burst open.
We prayed for safety as cars slowed up to 30mph during the downpour.

What a fun morning I had at the zoo with my silly little critters!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

My heart is full!

The Sunday after our anniversary/birthday party, our son-in-law, Adam was preaching at New Anthem, our church plant in Park City.  Our whole family attended.

Adam spoke on Jonah and during the sermon, he invited Bryan, Mindy's boyfriend to come up front and share his testimony.  I don't know that there was a dry eye in the building!  To God be the glory!  

You can watch it by going to and go to Relentless Repentance.  Bryan's testimony is at about the 20 minute mark but you could listen to the whole thing and hear what Adam has to say too!  

Josh was not feeling well prior to the service.  Very clammy and sweaty.  He went out to the car to sleep.   And right after the service, Staci and him drove home to Arkansas.  That night, he had a 104.5 temperature!  Staci took him in to the doctor and he was diagnosed with erlichiosis, a tick borne illness.  And pneumonia on top of that!  Staci also was not feeling well.

We were keeping their children for the week and that was just a God-thing!  

We got to our truck.  Adam had borrowed it that morning to get to church early.  It's complicated, but Jill left to take Claire home for her nap and somehow she ended up accidentally taking the truck keys with her!  And I didn't have my extra set in my purse.  What would we do?  

In the "old days", when we were kids, we would have all hopped in the car - all 7 of us and to heck with car seats.  But there are laws these days.

The church (school) parking lot is within walking distance of several restaurants so Adam borrowed our car to go back to Newton to get the truck keys and Papa and I walked with the children to Spangles.

See the balloon Eli made in Sunday School?
Yes, He is!  Even when we are stranded 
(I don't know that you can call this stranded!)

Ok.  The first picture of the children is not very proper.  (panties showing and all, after all) So here is another one that is from a different angle.

Then the kids had to take a picture with "the king" - even though they haven't a clue who he is!  They just thought he was a creepy mannequin.   Ha!

We walked back to the parking lot to meet Adam, and with our 2 vehicles, we drove home.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


This year is a special one for Allen and I.  We both turn 60 and we are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary!  Without Christ, we would not be celebrating these milestones!  Because of Him, we have persevered through the hard times.  He has given us much joy and gladness!

"All things [the things we understand and those we do not; the joyous things and the tragic] work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose."  Rom 8:28

We decided to have a party and celebrate His goodness and also thank those who have been a part of our lives.  We invited our family, a few friends, co-workers, those in  Bible studies, small group and in ministry with us.  (Josh designed the invitations for us)

I wanted to invite so many people, but I was told I had to limit it. Shucks.  I love a good party!

We used some of the pages from our original wedding book for guests to sign in.

 Jill made this chalk art for us.  
Yay for Pinterest for the many ideas we had for this party!

I found a picture from each year we were married - 1975 through 2015 - and we hung them on the mantel.

I wished we would have kept our going-away polyester outfits!

60 -- pictures of my life in a 6 shape and of Al in the 0 shape.
Jill pointing out my mother's picture to my dad.
Our family members were laughing at our wedding photos.
Julie and Reuben were in highschool and junior high when we were married.

I picked different themes that represent our family to decorate each table with.

1.  The Lord is our Shepherd.  Isaiah 40:11 has been especially meaningful to me.

This antique picture was from Allen's grandma B.

The picture of the shepherd reaching for the lost lamb came from my friend Joyce.

The wooden shepherd I purchased in Israel.

2.  East meets West.

 The Lord brought me from the East (Japan) to meet Allen (from good old Kansas).

To think that God has predestined my days,
        that He has planned my life in advance,
   that He has chosen me from before the creation of the world
                to be His child,
      that He is in control of all that happens,
and that He is working out everything in conformity
                      with the purpose of His will -
    what a truth and what an encouragement!
                                       from "The Promise", Robert Morgan
                                                      Acts 17:26,27

3.  Our children - what a blessing!

Psalm 100:5
For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.

4.  Grandchildren

                      Psalm 78:4
                       We will not hide them from their children,
                                            but tell to the coming generation
                                 the glorious deeds of the Lord,
                                         and His might, and the wonders that He has done.

Share with your kids your stories of experiencing God!

5.  Our ancestry
"Remember how the Lord your God led you...."  Deut. 8:2 

6.  A beach theme because our family loves the beach!

 "Jesus spoke to them saying, 'I am the Light of the world.  Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'"

7.  Older than Dirt 

8.  Jill gave me the idea of having a children's table


So grateful for my friends who helped in the kitchen 
so Allen and I could enjoy visiting with guests.

We thought it was pretty neat that they did NOT plan the black and white attire ahead of time.  It just happened!

I served chocolate cake and almond cheese cake - recipes from Becky.  Served with chocolate topping, raspberry, strawberry and blueberry sauces. Delicious!!  (recipes at the bottom of blog)

 Candlelabra that Mom used at her wedding and also at mine.
Perhaps one day one of my granddaughters will want to use them too!

The kids surprised us with a little "story" time, telling some funny things about us!  They made sport of us, I'm afraid.

And then they read some wonderful things about us that they put in a picture book.  They were so gracious and honouring!  Al and I joked that they must have forgotten the terrible things.  We made plenty of mistakes!  Parenting was not always easy!  Ha!  We are so proud of how each child has grown to love and follow Christ!


After the party was over, we went back to the house. 
 A few people had given gifts (although we had specified "no gifts") 
and we opened those. 
What a wonderful day it was and we thank everyone who made it special! 


Chocolate bundt cake 

1 pkg devils good cake mix
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
1 pkg chocolate instant pudding mix
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup oil
4 large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 cup water  (I like to add instant coffee for mocha taste)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray bundt pan and dust with flour.
Blend all ingredients together in mixing bowl.
Bake 50 minutes or until cake springs back when pressed with finger
Cool 10 minutes then invert on cooling rack.      
Place on platter and drizzle with glaze.
 ( May freeze.)

2 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 cup heavy cream
Cook over low heat until thick.  Do not boil.
Add 1 cup confectioner's sugar, sifted and 1 tsp. vanilla.
Drizzle over cooled cake.

Almond Cream Cheese Pound Cake

1 pkg butter recipe golden cake mix
1 pkg (8 ox) cream cheese, room temp.
4 large eggs
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil
1 tsp each vanilla and pure almond extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Lightly spray bundt pan and dust with flour.
Mix all together well.
Bake until golden brown or springs back 35-40 minutes.
Remove from pan and cool 10 min.  Transfer to wire rack.   (May freeze)
Place on platter.  Serve with berries.