Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Soaking it up!

One late afternoon while their mom was busy packing, we took the kids to a splashpark nearby.

This park is just a little strange and probably the slide more suited for older kids.  Definitely not our generation's playground equipment!

We were the only ones there for most of the time as it was close to dinner time.

We are soaking up the time we have left with these kiddos before they move several states away!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

House church

This was my home church in Aburatsu, Miyazaki-ken, Japan.
Just a small church.  As I look at the faces, lots of memories of these sweet people come to my mind.  The kindergarten teachers, our dentist, the pastor and his family, our house helper and "nanny", Nobu...  What precious people!
 This is a "potluck" after church.  Sometimes the noodle man would come on his bicycle carrying trays of hot noodles in one hand.  Instead of pizza delivery, it was ramen or soba delivery!

And we had a worship time at this home (Hattori-san's, I think).  I don't recall the circumstances, but remember singing and Dad reading the Bible and prayer time.  Japanese Christians really know how to pray!

With Adam having completed his pastoral position here in Kansas and until the family moves to Wisconsin, we have taken the opportunity to visit area churches with them during the interim.  Pastors don't generally get the opportunity to do that!  It has been so interesting to see people all over worship the Lord and in a variety of ways.

 The communion styles were different at each place, the worship styles different too, but each church loves Him!  Just think of the Body of Christ all around the world praising Him!!  It would be cool to be in outer space and be able to "see" that.

When the cousins were here, we had the idea to have House Church one Sunday.  The children were so excited for this and they had so many ideas when we said they should all participate using the gifts that God has given them.

They came up with the idea to print out a bulletin even!

Hannah gave a welcome and also a little devotional.

Eli played "Jesus Loves Me" on the piano

Hannah and Sophia did a duet, "After You".

Claire sang a piece and did a worship song that she made up on the spot

Emeri had a sermonette

Being "old school", I shared a flannelgraph children's story using our birth certificates.  When we are born here on earth, our names are written on birth certificates.  And when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to save us, we are born into the family of God and our names are written in the Lamb's book of Life.

Rev. 21: 26,27 says of heaven "The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it.  Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life."

 It was interesting to show them my birth certificate written in Japanese.  Allen's was written on black paper and then we showed the children their parents' birth certificates.

Sophia shared a devotional
Papa shared about the big picture of the Bible and there was time for questions and answers.  They asked good questions!  

 We sang "This little light of mine" in the dark bathroom and lit our flashlights.

 It lasted about an hour and we knew we had had church!