Friday, August 4, 2017

The move, part 6 - Statue park

After a good night's rest, we went down to breakfast.

We enjoyed the chef who cooked what we wanted, including dairy-free for Claire.

The girls and Papa got a luggage carrier.

While Papa loaded our luggage into the car, around and around they went!
 I had read about a place close to the hotel that was called Statue Park so we stopped there before going on the road.


This park is worth the time!

The move, part 5 - on the road to Wisconsin

The day after the swim meet, we hit the road for Wisconsin!
 A stop at Starbucks with a gift card from a friend
 who also treated us with goodies!
 We arrived in KC at lunchtime and decided to make a stop at T-Rex Cafe.  What a fun place to go!

 We had many things to occupy the hours

A stop at McDonald's for a little snack and so Claire could get rid of wiggles!
Half-way point
Des Moines!

The girls were pretty excited to stay at a "fancy" hotel! 

especially since it had a swimming pool! 

After the swim, we settled down for our supper that we 
brought with us and a little tv watching
 HGTV for the big girls and some cartoons for the little one.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The move, part 4 - swim team

One of the reasons the girls stayed behind with us while Adam and Jill left for Wisconsin was so that Hannah and Sophia could finish up swim team.  League finals were the Saturday following the move!

It was a hot day.
Igloo icees are so good on a hot day!

So are spray bottles!

Lathering up!

Between swim events the kids hang out....

These two challenged each other!

Coach dressed up for last day

It was a L O N G day since there were so many teams!
Claire did pretty good actually!  But she did get tired!

Their team won the league championship this year!
After the meet was over, all the kids jumped into the pool.

I let Claire get in the shallow part.
Saying goodbyes

Should have caught a few more "last hugs"!

It has been such fun to follow the team this past summer as they've traveled to various towns.

 How Claire spends her time at the meets

lot of eating - LOTS
                                                                            resting on her pillow
                                                                    (she helped her sister make it)

                                        hugs too

Granted, there were a few times when she had had it.  Even if we brought along lots of things to occupy her time.  There were tears sometimes.  But some of the places had parks right by where she could play and that was fun.  Not easy being the youngest!

A few mornings were rather chilly!
Some of these photos are mine but some I snagged off the team fb page.
There was one lady who took lots of photos and generously shared them! 

Cheering them on...

The family is so good at encouraging eachother!

We were glad that Mindy and Jason could come to watch one time.  They live pretty far away so it was a treat.

And the Arkansas cousins came once too!

Before we left town that last meet, we stopped to say good-bye to the house.

Good-bye rooms!

Good-bye hugs for the trees!

Stopped at one of the friends' homes for last byes.
Because it was a long day, we decided to go out to eat.  The children are used to eating chicken without bones.  We told them chicken tastes best cooked with bones.  We took them to KFC.

"Nana, this is like a science project!" was the comment made by Hannah.  They were just a little grossed out but did admit it tasted okay.  Ha!