Friday, November 2, 2018

Rain turns to snow

 Saturday evening, Josh's took us to a  Mexican restaurant called Chuy's.  It was so good!

All you can eat chips. 

 Chuy's was right next to the Amp, where Josh had gotten tickets from a friend.

Our seats were in the sound booth!
Premium seats!

There was a live symphony that played the music to the movie!
I have never seen that before!
These players were from all over the US who got together for this.
Only 3 practices together before the live performance.  They were so good!!

 It rained through the whole thing, but luckily we were covered.  Not sure what those out on the grassy part did.  Umbrellas were not allowed.
It was freezing but luckily, we had brought blankets with us!

On Sunday morning, Josh had to be at church early, Staci and Emeri went to cheer on friends who were in a half marathon, so Al and I played games with Elijah before church.  He beat the pants off us.
 Josh played keyboards.

After church, we said our byes to the kids, lots of hugs!!  then drove 40 minutes north to eat with my uncle and aunt at Applebee's.  We like to see them whenever we can!

Uncle Bill says he has been cooking rabbit.  "It's good enough to make a tadpole slap a whale!" 

As we were driving home, the outside temperature kept getting lower and lower.
In Rogers it was 59 degrees.
Fredonia, 42 degrees.
By the time we got home, it was 30 degrees!

And the rain turned to snow!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Pumpkin carving


 The kids picked up some pumpkins and decided how to decorate them.

His face shows what he thinks about the slime!


Have you ever read the Pumpkin Gospel?  A cute analogy to read to children.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Birthday celebrating

We made a trip to Arkansas again, this time to celebrate our grandkids' birthdays.  Their birthdays are only 2 days apart (and 2 years).   Their grammy who lives next door also had a birthday.

Of course, the boys had to have a fight afterwards! 

 Emeri enjoyed her gifts too.
Josh captured her happy face!

Sorting things to put in her new storage case.

She also got a rabbit carrier for the baby rabbit she was going to get later.  They sent me this photo.  It is soooo cute!  She named him Thumper.

The drive to Arkansas was rainy the whole way.   Soup weather so we stopped in Wichita at Panera for lunch before heading south east.  Panera's is so good!

We have wanted to do some exploring into the Flint Hills, but each time we have gone to Arkansas, it has been too rainy.  We have had SO much rain this year!  The last time we checked our rain gauge, it had overflowed, so over 5 inches!

  Southeastern Kansas was flooded!
River out of banks.
But luckily, the roads were clear and we made it there in good time.

Josh made salmon for the birthday supper.

The next morning, luckily the rain stopped long enough for Eli to have his soccer game.  The last time we came, it was rained out.

A little chilly

So glad we got to watch a game. 
And as the game was ending, it began to rain again.