Monday, December 23, 2019

We never know

Yesterday at church, it was good to see several of my friends' children and grandchildren home for the holidays.  I thought back to the last holiday we had with my parents.   It was Thanksgiving, 2014.

We had no idea, of course, that it would be our last holiday together.  My mother would pass away 10 days before Christmas.  We were so surprised; it was not anticipated at all!  And daddy would pass away in mid-November of the following year.  So 2014 was our last Thanksgiving, and the year before had been our last Christmas with Mom.  Who knew.

Some rememberances of that last Christmas:

kissing Baby Jesus

 Our last family picture

This morning, I received a call from my Uncle Bill that my daddy's youngest sibling, the last remaining one, passed away.  She is now in the Lord's presence.

Aunt Betty is on the far right.

Since they live on the way to our son's home in Arkansas, we would often meet with them at a restaurant, but this past year, we would take along some goodies to share with them.  

I don't suppose any one knew that last Christmas was their last.  It can be sobering to know that it is the last, of course.  When Allen's mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, we knew she would not be alive for our next Christmas.  At least on earth.  She is MUCH alive!  If you have never read John Eldredge's book "All Things New", you should!  Or Randy Alcorn's book "Heaven".  These men studied the Scriptures deeply and wrote about heaven.  Fascinating and so exciting!!  Heaven is not a boring place where we sit on clouds and strum harps!  

We don't know our days, do we?  But the Lord does!

               "Your eyes saw my unformed body;
                                      all the days ordained for me 
                    were written in your book
                          before one of them came to be." 
                                               Psalm 139:16

We may not know, but there is assurance in knowing our life is in His hands.  He watches over us.

Here is how we spent this past Thanksgiving.  With my husband's family:

 Writing down what we are thankful for and putting it on the "tree".

And also with my brother and his wife:

We need to treasure our days with our families whenever we can.  We look forward to our children and grandchildren coming!!  We are counting the days!

It is soon Christmas, the celebration of Christ come to earth to rescue man.   

This is love - not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to take away our sins.
(1 John 4:10)

Monday, December 9, 2019


Our main reason for this trip to Arkansas was to celebrate our daughter-in-law's birthday!  Josh told her we were going out to eat.  "I have to stop at James' and Kelly's....let's all go in."


Josh had Staci get in a wheelchair and covered her with an older ladies' shawl.

Don't you love the sign she is holding?

For those of us already "over the hill" these signs aren't too funny.  Today my arthritis has really been flaring up.  It is so painful at times!  Aging isn't for sissies!

 Josh had Olive Garden cater for this evening.  Oh goodness, yum!!

 He had Staci play "The Price Is Right".  She did pretty good with items she will soon get acquainted with - Depends, Solonpas,  denture cream, marbles (in case she loses hers).

 Years ago, when they were in college, they went with a group and were able to be in the audience of The Price Is Right!  And one of their classmates got to get up on the stage!  He won a sea kayak and made it to the showcase showdown!

What a great group of friends they have!!

 Staci with her folks, Dan and Lisa

 The next morning, we went to church.
 Josh on keyboard

This song speaks TRUTH!
Jesus DOES break our chains to "slavery" to sin.

"For we know that our old self was crucified with Him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin."
Romans 6:6

"Let us approach God's throne of grace
               with confidence,
    so that we may receive MERCY
               and find grace to help us in our time of need."  2 Sam. 6:1-9


 I love these sweet homes by the church.

 More sword fighting before we had to leave to go home.  Eli said "Watch to see who wins the fight and the one who makes the coolest moves."  Can you guess who won?  And who made the coolest moves?


We made a stop at Starbucks for some good coffee for the road!

It was a pretty long trip home.  There was a cop going speed limit a couple of cars in front of us and no one wanted to pass.  One guy came up from behind us, probably going 80 and as soon as he passed us and the car in front of us and pulled up behind him, he slowed to 65 for the next hour and a half.   I guess fear of getting a ticket keeps us towing the line and staying behind the policeman. 

In the Christian life, some people might fear God and therefore try to do right, but really, what should compel us to do right is our love for God. 

" for the love of Christ controls (compels) us..." 2 Cor 5:14   

We have died to our old life.

While we had our party for Staci, there was also a party for our son-in-law in Wisconsin!

Happy 40th to both our daughter-in-law and son-in-law!!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Packing Meals

We often spend the night at the "Prier Hotel" when we are in Arkansas, which is our daughter-in-law's parents' home.  They live right next door to them.  We woke up to see deer out in the back yard.  I think I count 4.

We had our coffee and devotions, then walked over to our son's home.  He and Emeri were making breakfast.  Staci was out running with the dog.

 Papa and Elijah played tennis while waiting for breakfast.

After we finished eating, we drove to Rogers to help out with "Feed My Starving Children".  We were all given lovely orange hair nets.

  I thought our kids' friend/neighbor looked like Bozo the Clown!
Don't you see the resemblance??

I signed up to stick on stickers.

I knew I couldn't stand for 2 hours!

 We all worked hard while loud music played. 


 We ended up packing 83,000 meals if I recall correctly! 

Someone suggested we go for ice-cream

 The original Wal-mart, before it was called that.

This was a busy soda fountain shop!

We didn't take time to go through the museum, but it would be fun to do some time.  I guess the Walton family loved ice-cream too!

 Sam Walton's pick up.