Thursday, August 22, 2019

George Washington Carver's memorial

So many times we have driven by the sign for the George Washington Carver National Monument but we had never taken the time to go see it.

We decided it was the day to do it.  We had no reason to hurry home.

 I remember hearing about him when I was in the 3rd grade when we read about him in our Weekly Reader at school.  I just really only remembered that he invented so many uses for the peanut.  But there was a lot more to him!  We began by watching a short movie and then toured around the museum.

 He began his life as a slave child.

Slaves were freed during his lifetime and he wanted to learn all he could.  He walked miles to find a school/college.

 He was a godly man.  There is his Bible!


 A model of what his lab looked like at his college.

There was a trail we could walk around to see where he grew up.  This plot is where the slave cabin was where he was born.  The cabin no longer exists, but it is the place.


The Moses Carver home

 The trail ended at the graveyard of the Carver family.

 There were several plots for small children and babies.

We were so glad to have gone out of the way to see this place!

Monday, August 19, 2019


While we were in Arkansas, we had a celebration.  Grilled salmon was on the menu! 

We celebrated Josh and Staci's wedding anniversary.

17 years!

and my 64th birthday!

The next morning, we went to church.  The message was on Acts 6.  Stephen was one of those chosen to wait on tables and he was filled with the Spirit and with wisdom.  Men spoke lies about him.  Evil does not play fair.  Even in our culture, we are told to be quiet about our faith and what God says is right.

Do I look different than the culture?  This wasn't part of the sermon, but I had heard about it and it came to mind.  Recently Jaelene Hinkle took a stand for her faith and she was boo'ed for it.  She prayed and fasted over her decision and in the end, she said "Peace trumped disapointment.  I knew in my spirit that I was being obedient.  If I never get another national team call up again, then that's part of His plan and that's ok."
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The pastor shared that God's Word is our standard.  Not the culture.  Not Hollywood elites.  Not politics.  What does God say?  His Word is authoratative.  It is God-breathed.  I do not bow down to those who say differently or what is popular.  I want to follow Him, no matter the cost.  He died so we don't need to be chained to sin.  We don't earn our salvation by being good, but an abundant, joyful life comes from walking hand in hand with God on this journey.

In Acts 7, Stephen gives a speech to the Sanhedrin, and to make it engaging, our son had made a video that was played as the pastor read the sermon Stephen gave.  I love the little cartoon men he drew!

As Stephen was being stoned, the Lord gave him a glimpse of heaven.
             "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."
Do you suppose other martyrs are given a vision of Him as they boldly die for Him?  

After church, we went to one of our favorite places to eat.

They have realistic plastic food in the entryway, just like in Japanese restaurants!

well, it is a LITTLE different..
Image result for plastic food in japanese restaurants


and bread dripping in butter!

We said our good-byes and then drove just across the Missouri border to visit Uncle Bill and Aunt Betty.

I took along an album of old photos of Dad's family and ancestors to show Aunt Betty.  

My Dad is in the center, the only boy with 4 sisters.
Aunt Betty is the little girl.

All the others in this family have gone on to see the Lord and Aunt Betty is soon following. What a reunion that will be!  And to see Jesus face-to-face!