Saturday, November 23, 2019

The 1st full day with Carolyn

We had a refreshing night's rest after staying up late talking...and talking...and talking some more!  Marilyn and I woke up quite early since we were still on Kansas time.  We had our personal devotions, showered and got ready for the day.  When Carolyn woke up, we had a delicious breakfast!

 Later that morning, her neighbor and dear friend, Ann came over.  She is SO sweet!

 After Ann left, her friends John and Lucy came.  I forgot to get a photo of them, but I will share their picture later on, because we went out with them after church.  John took a picture of the three of us.

 "OK girls, let's do a silly picture!"        Wait....I was the only one who did!!

 After lunch, Marilyn and I took a walk outside in her neighborhood.  Carolyn was not up to walking outside as the air was smokey and not good for her lungs.

 The hills behind her house.

 Ooh, I like this birdhouse!
(I am not sure what the exercize equipment is out there for.  Free pick-up?
Funny thing is, I didn't even notice it when I took this picture!)

Carolyn has a beautiful home!

Her living room.  Immaculate except for my computer on the floor and pillow at an angle - my fault as this is where I did my morning devotions.  I will always remember that sweet spot!  Her blinds are so cool too!  They go up and down by remote control!  Fun to play with!

 Rich's piano

The outdoor patio where we had a couple of meals.

One morning we saw a couple of deer and another time up to 5 deer outside!

The exterminator came one day and he told us he also saw mountain lion paw prints.  Evidently, deer are getting away from the fires and mountain lions are following them!  

Somehow the conversation came up about Marie Callender's pies.  Someone told me about their frozen pies a couple of years ago when they brought it to church.  The coconut cream is SOOOO good!  As good as home made in my opinion.  Carolyn told us that there was a restaurant close by.  I never knew there was such a thing as a Marie Callendar restaurant!  Well, we just HAD to go, of course!

On the way there, we could see a fire across the highway.  She estimated this fire was probably about 10 miles from her home.

Oh my goodness!!
Good friends and pie!!
What more could you want?!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A trip to California

"Those who refresh others
    will themselves be refreshed."
                        Proverbs 11:25

We got home from Arkansas, I did laundry and packed again!  My friend Marilyn and I decided to go see our friend, Carolyn.  Last June, her husband had passed away.   We wanted to go and just be with her!

Carolyn and Rich had moved to Newton, Ks from California many years ago and attended our church.  She joined our Bible study and was soon involved in many ministries.

Rich was an excellent piano player  (like Marilyn) and we LOVED to hear him play!!  He was also a mentor in small group ministries to our son-in-law, Adam.

When they moved back to be with their family, we were sad for our loss.  But of course, happy that they were with their family once again!

We had to wake up really early for our flight.  Marilyn's husband, Dave, drove us to the airport.   Sleet/ice had been predicted for this morning and we were grateful that the Lord answered prayers and we had no trouble getting to Wichita.

There was snow on the ground in Denver, where we were making connections for our flight to California.  Our daughter lives in Denver, as does Marilyn's son.  Wish there were a way for visitng family without having to go through the re-check process.

 As we were waiting for our next plane, we saw a girl come and sit across from us.  She had a bridal dress with her and a bridal bouquet.  We wondered -
1.  Is she the bride?
2.  Perhaps a jilted bride because there was no groom?
3.  Is she the sister of the bride?
4.  Or the maid of honour, taking the bride's dress back home.
The couple sitting next to us gave another option.
Perhaps it was a body!  The body of the groom??

Marilyn dared me to go ask her.  I didn't, but she decided to jump up and go ask her.  Pretty soon, they were both back and this girl asked me "So, which do you think I am?  The bride, sister of the bride or the maid of honour?"  I hesitated and then said "maid of honour."

"NO!  I'm the bride!"
"Where's the groom?!" I asked.

So she told us her story.  She had visited New York City and visited the studio where they film "Say Yes to the Dress."  We don't have cable so I didn't know anything about that show.  But Marilyn knew about it.

It is an American "reality television series on TLC which follows events at Kleinfeld Bridal in Manhattan. The series shows the progress of individual sales associates, managers, and fitters at the store, along with profiling brides as they search for the perfect wedding dress."  Evidently, while this girl was there, she was able to meet the host of the show and he encouraged her to apply for a part in the show.  They would be taking a bride from each state to win a spot on the show and do a huge wedding with all of them.  And she WON the spot for the bride from Colorado!  The show will air in January.  I'll have to figure out a way to watch!  She had been to New York for a photo shoot and was returning to Aspen.

 Our flight was delayed and delayed again, but we were finally able to leave Colorado.

 Here you can see where the snow line ends.

 Google photos will let you see where on the map your pictures are taken from a plane!  This is just south of Sloan Canyon National Conservation area.


Las Vegas

We wondered what this was!  Just southwest of Las Vegas.

I found out that it is the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility in the Mojave Desert at the base of Clark Mountain range of California, located just across the state line from Primm, Nevada.

 As we neared Burbank, we could see a fire burning.  See the smoke?  Carolyn had told us that there were fires everywhere.  Last year, she and Rich had to evacuate their home.  Even now, she keeps necessary papers and things ready in case of a sudden evaucation order.

Marilyn and I had never used an Uber before, and we asked a younger lady if she could help us figure it out.  Dave had put the app on Marilyn's phone.  It was quite simple and after a 4 minute wait, we had a ride in a Lexus to go to Carolyn's!

 How wonderful to see her!!!!  
 We were looking forward to a great week with our dear Sister in the Lord!

At first, we had thought we would go before Rich passed so we could see him also, however, it didn't work out.  And truly, we would be able to visit longer this way.  We were looking forward to encouraging and serving her and for us to be filled with love from her.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sunday morning in Arkansas

Eli was playing the piano

while Emeri help fix breakfast.


We went to our kids' church.  It was just what we were talking about in our Bible study!

 Josh played on the worship team - hammer dulcimer and accordian

 After church, we went back to the house to wait for Josh, as he had 2nd service to do yet.

 When he came home, we went out to eat.  Elijah picked the restaurant as it was his birthday.


Back home, Eli opened gifts from the family.

 Eli was needing a new sword so he could have a sword fight with Papa.  His other sword busted.

 These magnets from his cousins were a hit!

Then we needed to get home as Al had work the next day.  Good-bye Arkanasas - for a couple of weeks anyway.