Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Road trip; and unique architecture!

Now that we are quarantined, I am so glad we had the road trip we did.  We returned to Kansas the beginning of March, before all this craziness.  We left Winterset, Iowa where we had seen the covered bridges and the birthplace of John Wayne.

  Moving perhaps, or adding a basement?

A Kansas City Chiefs fan in Iowa!
 Can we stop?!

After touring the factory - and enjoying the chocolates,
perhaps we could spend the night here?

 um, or here at this B&B?
Well, no, Allen needed to work the next day so on we went.  We saw several barns that had various colored roofs with matching roofs among the farm buildings.  Blue, green, even a pink one.

A solar farm

Not sure about this...

Beautiful court house!

This bank is so small they had to abbreviate "National"

We saw a sign in this town about a famous fountain so we stopped to look.

I enjoyed the buildings in this town around the courthouse

Buck Snort Restaurant?

We could use this now to keep us clean from Covid19!

The way they do terracing is interesting - different than Kansas

1899 North Polk school

Is this a house?  Pretty big, fancy porch for one.

When we were crossing into Nebraska on 136, you could see the damage from the flooding of the Missouri river.  So very sad.  We followed 73 down to Lawrence, KS. (we took 75 when we went up to Wisconsin)

small building
and a wagon from years past.

I would have never known what a runza is except we have a few families in our church in Kansas from Nebraska and they call bierrocks "runzas" here.  

Our German/Russian Mennonite ancestors brought the bierrocks recipe to America.  I guess Runzas are also from the Volga Russian Mennonite background. They really are the same, but I looked it up and they say runzas are generally rectangular, whereas bierrocks are in round buns, but our Nebraska transplants make them in ciruclar buns. 


We have to stop at the historical markers!  So interesting!

A sod house!

When we got to Lawrence, we picked up Al's sister, Julie and went for a cruise around town.  Here was the townhouse we used to live in when our son was 1 year old.  Pine Tree Townhouses.  We lived on the corner one.

Downtown Lawrence - lots of memories!

We had a wonderful visit with Julie then went on a drive around the KU campus, showing Julie where we worked and went to school, before heading home.