Thursday, April 30, 2020

"Caged in"

"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."  Proverbs 19:21

We have had a strange month and a half, haven't we?  Back in the middle of March, our daughter, Mindy sent a picture from San Francisco.  Their mayor had issued a stay-at-home order.  You could go to the grocery store, but shelves were empty in many cases.

She could find NO sanitizer.  I happened to have an extra bottle so I told her I would send some to her.  I also sent her some masks.   Thanks, friend Teri, for these!

Soon after California went into stay-at-home mode, most of the rest of the States followed.  It seemed like the world came to a stop.  We were especially shocked when March Madness was cancelled!  Which means Hannah gets to keep the family trophy one more year!

I made myself a mask.

I also did some other sewing.....don't you just love these birdie pins?

Church services went on-line.   We found ourselves on Sunday mornings watching our church, and our kids' churches as well.  Loved it!!

Jan, who leads the older women's Bible study I am in, figured out how to do a Zoom study.  I am not savvy enough to know how to do it myself, so the one I led just finished for the year.  Plus it would be terribly hard to do a Zoom study with lots of preschoolers running about!  It would have been interesting though!

 Our community life group went on-line.

 Our son's small group has a wonderful place to meet together, keeping at a distance.  Josh has a fire pit area that is the perfect spot!

Our Wednesday evening Awana Clubs no longer met at church and I was asked if I could record the Cubbies stories at home and put it on the Awana Cubbies site at church.  It usually takes 3-4 tries before I can get one taping that works without too many flubs!  

What fun it has been for me to receive pictures from the parents showing their children watching along and also saying their Bible verses!

Jill told us that they went through all their puzzles so I went to the post office and mailed them a couple of ones I had.  The Post Office had put up some clear shower curtains for a barrier.

I worked on a couple of puzzles myself. Have you been doing puzzles?

I've been baking.....and unfortunately, eating too!!


Does he look a tad bored?   

In case you are wondering what the thing is that is strung across the window on the left, it is a sparkly ribbon we put there to keep the cardinal from pecking at his reflection in the window!  It has worked!

Our granddaughter got sick, running 106 temperature!   A Covid test came back negative but she did have Influenza A.

We are so grateful that she is better now!
 She is doing lots of pretending in her spare time.
(can you guess who she is pretending to be?)

She dressed up Kobi too!

She lost her 2 front teeth during this time.  We asked her if the tooth fairy brought her $5!  (The "tooth fairy" didn't appreciate us saying this.)  She has also enjoyed doing lots of crafts!  My "Kansas" born girl doing origami.  I found lots of origami paper from Japan in my desk so I sent some to the grandkids. 

Eli also made some origami.

Jill's family drove around to see friends and families, talking with them from the car.  (you know, the social distancing thing)

 Hannah offered to volunteer at church, answering the phone.  She did her school work when phones weren't ringing.

Grandson, Eli, has been having fun with his best friend, who is also his neighbor.   They can still play and keep their distance.

Emeri and Eli were having to "hug" as a discipline for not getting along.  Brother/sisterly love!  I know lots of families are struggling to always be kind and nice to one another.  Nerves are getting frayed perhaps.  When our kids were little we used to make them sit on the sofa and hold hands/hug when they weren't getting along. They couldn't get off the sofa until they had "made up."  And actually, they usually ended up laughing after awhile. 

I thought I'd capture some pictures of town during this Covid19 time.  Since it is history, after all.



 I have never seen the Bread Basket's parking lot so empty (except on Sundays).

 I am finding pleasure in the simple things.

Allen is often saying "This too shall pass" so I found this sign quite funny!

We have spent much time reading books, and especially the Bible, especially these days since we don't have to run to this activity or that. 

Allen continues his job at the hospital.  But what was thought might be so many hours caring for Covid patients has not happened.  They thought perhaps they might get 1000 cases, but in fact only less than a handful.  In fact, the hospital has seen less patients since many surgeries have been cancelled.  They have had to cut hours and pay.  I am glad that the prediction of the pandemic has not happened here.

We neen't be afraid.  God's promise to those who follow Him is "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  (Hebrews 13:5, but many other places in the Scriptures too.)  He is always present and I can talk to Him all day!  And in the night when I wake!   We will try to be sensible and keep from getting this virus, but even if we did succumb, perhaps die from it, I KNOW that Christ has conquered death.  "Death is swallowed up in victory." 1 Corinthians 15:54  Our last breath on earth, our first in heaven.  I have to recommend a great book on heaven.  It is NOT a boring place!!!  

And this coming week we are anticipating that Governor Kelly, governor from Kansas, will open the state from the stay-at-home order!  It will be in phases, most likely, but we are no longer having to be shut in!