Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Last day together; games, movies, and Sonic

The day was somewhat rainy.

A good day to play games.  Othello is such a fun game!

We love the game Rack-o too.
I found this marble roller several years ago.  You can buy them here.  My grandfather had made a much bigger one than this, and I had fond memories of playing with it.  So when I found it at a craft fair, I had to get it!  Mindless fun.

 Talking on the deck.  Wonder what Jill is talking about?

 Josh needed a haircut.

The kids began to watch old home movies.

 We ended up putting them on the tv in the hearth room and had so much fun watching movies of years when the kids were babies!  One forgets so easily about what it was like!

Then Adam had a movie for us to watch called The Riot and the Dance.

 We watched this in our basement family room.  It was incredible!
"This nature/science documentary, showcases the vast and beautifully intricate planet on which we live. Produced in a fully cinematic style, the film presents a wide variety of ingeniously designed creatures from around the world in a way that will fascinate audiences of any age. Through a vividly powerful experience the audience is intended to develop a greater understanding of and appreciation for the Creator's workmanship and personality. The documentary focuses on some of the world's celebrity critters (mega fauna), but also draws attention to some of the often-overlooked inhabitants of the everyday. From slugs to sharks to vipers and elephants, Dr. Gordon Wilson will host well-known scientists and experts to open eyes to the glory of creation."

I loved how the author said that God gives us - lavishes on us - good gifts.  If He withheld water, could you imagine?  Each day God gives us sunshine and beauty of nature.  But most people reject Him.  Creation is tainted by the fall.  There is a very sad scene where a frog is killed by a bug and Claire was devastated by it and I was so sad too.  But one day, God will restore all creation!  No more death!  No more hate!  All will be made new!  I have to put in a plug for John Eldredge's book "All Things New"!

 We took a run to Sonic.

 This group chose to stay in the van as they weren't as fond of the smell of the old fliver.
 No seat belts.  And no bucket seats.  You can snuggle up to the one you love!

 Kobi needed a bath.

 We did a 3rd night of Murder in the Dark.  One can't get too tired of it!

 Then this funny game where you stand in a circle.  Everyone looks down and on a count of 3, you look up at someone.  If you happen to be staring at the same person who is staring back at you, you are out of the game.

These teen/pre-teen kids stayed up late talking with us, past our bedtime.  But we don't often get the chance to talk and talk and talk.  What a treasure to have grandchildren!  Wish they all lived close by, but we are always grateful that they love to come for a visit!

Early the next morning, the kids rolled out of town. 
A sad Claire.

 Doing our silly waves (our family tradition of saying good-bye to make everyone laugh, instead of cry.)

 I didn't get a photo of us doing silly waves!

So very grateful these kids could come!  The Covid is on the downswing.  But because of it, Al and I had to cancel our trip to Japan with 2 of the grandkids who we were taking on this trip. (We have planned to take each grandchild on some sort of trip to give them a Biblical world-view.  I took Hannah to Haiti when she was 12.)  The past few days with the family would not have happened had we gone.  We will reschedule our trip for next year and hope there isn't another crisis!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Day 3 - Our last Sunday on-line services

Before church (at home, because of COVID), Josh went for a run.  Stretching before the run.

"Play with me, Uncle Josh!"

Maybe Hannah will!

Kobi needed to do his thing outside.
He got a little tangled up.

At 9, we listened to Community Church on-line.
Their last Sunday before meeting together in an outdoor service.

 Between services, we had our own worship time.

Claire and I also sang our version of "Do you love Jesus?"
Me:  Oh, Claire do you love Jesus?
Claire:  Oh yes I love Jesus!
Me:  Are you sure you love Jesus?
Claire: Yes, I'm sure I love Jesus!
Me:  And why do you love Jesus?
Claire: I'll tell you the reason,
Because He first loved me!
We both sing:
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Oh, how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me!

We told them how when I put Claire to bed, we sing this song and add verses for EVERY person in the family.  Claire knows it puts off bedtime!
We demonstrated:

"Oh Papa do you love Jesus?"
Claire in a very deep voice sang back "Oh yes I love Jesus."

Then we did one for Hannah.  It is just as normal but ends with Claire pretending to be Hannah: "I need to get back to my phone!"

"Attending" New Heights church

 We went to Braum's for lunch.

We noticed some people dressed like they had been at church.  In talking with them, they said their church had started back up that morning.

Back at home, we played some games.

 Eli taught Claire how to make movies with her phone

We planned our family vacation!
We had been thinking about Michigan, but ended up back at Dauphin Island!

 Rain clouds were popping up all around.

 Eli wanted to play badmitten anyway so he set it up.

 I love willow trees!  It is a great place to hide in.

 Nerf wars again!

Emeri and Sophia made supper - chicken fettucini, caesar salad and bread sticks!

 In the evening, after playing "murder in the dark" once again (that never gets old), we played an improv game where 2 people act out any scene they make up on the spot.  Another person who gets a new idea, jumps in and acts out another scene.

Pretty hilarious!

What family games do you like to do?