Saturday, August 29, 2020

Riding the Waves

Of course one of the best things about going to Dauphin Island is riding the waves!

Let's go surfing now                                                                                       Everybody's learning how                                                                                       Come on on safari with me!

The waves weren't quite big enough to surf like that, but we had fun, nevertheless.  Don't you love the sound of the waves crashing shore?

We had several floaties.  This year we bought a ramen floatie.  Isn't it hilarious?

The first couple of days, Eli was not able to go under water as he was recovering from an ear infection.  We were happy he eventually was well enough to get his head all wet!

We had 3 innertubes that can connect to one another if you want.

Our dolphin floatie.

If this dolphin had come closer, he'd have found a friend!

We also had a unicorn floatie.

These floaties also served as resting places.

Each day, a group would head out to the sand bar.

From land, you could see if they were far enough to have reached it (there is a change in the water color) and someone on land would raise arms to show they had arrived.

One guy thought they were in trouble.  He came to us.  "Are they ok?  Can they all swim?!"  We assured him they were all good swimmers.  Guess he was still worried because he swam out there with extra life saving equipment.

Adam reassured him.  Glad there are people out there that were concerned.  There are sometimes people who drown, perhaps caught in a rip tide.  A woman my age had drowned the month before.  We have taught the kids what to do if caught in one.  When I was 6, I was caught in one and it was so frightening!  My older brother shouted from shore and directed me on how to get out of it.

It may not seem that they are that far out, but check out their head sizes in this photo.  

Coast guard fly overhead regularly.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Papa/Nana Camp

Most days at Dauphin Island included a time for us to have "camp" with the grandchildren.  On Sunday, we gave each child a tee shirt and we painted them.  I gave them some ideas, but they are all so creative, they came up with their own designs.  

(Sophie and her many faces!)

Papa and I had shirts too!  For my shirt, I found an idea on-line that was perfect!  A  sun and each grandchild would make a footprint sunray.  Hannah printed the words "You are my sunshine" on it.

Hannah made one for Papa. (She has good writing skills!)

We accidently mixed up Claire's and Emeri's size on tees.
But they didn't mind.

Papa had Bible lessons for the children.

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  Hebrews 13:5

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.  1 Tim. 6:10

One day, Papa shared about stocks.  He gave each one some seed money and began a stock account for them.  They studied various options and the kids picked out what companies they wanted to purchase.

We talked about how money is printed and each kid designed their own currency.

Oh yes, each day we had popcorn with our lessons.  This bowl sure had a lot of kernels left over!

Every day we had time to paint and craft.   

I found that Claire had a clever way to display her little painting.

We will not hide them from their children,
    but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His might,
    and the wonders that He has done.   Psalm 78:4