Saturday, September 19, 2020

Fall River

On the way home to Kansas, we stopped in to see Uncle Bill who lives about 40 minutes from our son.  Uncle Bill no longer lives on his own hill in the boonies. 

         He assured us that we could come see him.  He has his own little place.  

His family moved him to a nursing facility since Aunt Betty passed.  It seemed like a nice place for him.

My heart goes out to family who cannot see their loved ones in nursing homes.  I have several friends who haven't been able to physically visit their husbands or parents - haven't been able to for months because of Covid.  Quite frankly, it doesn't make sense to me.  I think it is immoral.   If workers can go in and out why can't family?  These people NEED their family!!  If they take the worker's temps and make them wear masks, why can't family do that?  I am glad we are not having to deal with that since our parents have all passed on.

We stopped to wash the car and get the salt air off.

After passing Fredonia, Al made the remark that he has always wanted to see Fall River Lake.  He had never expressed that out loud before.  "Well, let's do it!"

So, now we know.  We've been there.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Lego house

On our way home to Kansas from vacation on Dauphin Island, we stopped at our son's home.

Eli showed me his room.  He has a loft bed now.

"I built your home with Legos, Nana!"

This is Papa and me in the kitchen.

(here it is in real life below)

The hidden pantry.
With Emeri inside sneaking chocolates!
 (as she always does!)

The hearthroom


The livingroom with our bedroom in the corner

The grandchildren seem to think that Papa dresses into a Santa suit that we have hidden in the closet.

Not sure why they think this.  Hmmm.

Eli even made the basement!  

This took Eli lots of time and effort.  Isn't he creative?  Love it!!

Eli then had to show us his closet.  Ready for an invasion!

Then we peeked in at Emeri's room.  So pretty!

Then Josh showed us his project in the garage - Nice!

Another project he had was making a windchime for my birthday! 


Here it is after we got home and hung it up.

It makes such a beautiful sound!

Thank you, Josh!

As we got ready to leave their home, we saw 5 deer jump across the way.

We were so glad to make the out-of-the-way stop to see them! 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Driving home to Kansas


The morning everyone was leaving for their respective homes, the clouds were billowing up.  

 Goodbyes were said.

Allen took Jill and the family to the Mobile airport.  Josh's family packed up and then helped me take a few things down the stairs.  

They took off for Arkansas and I waited a little while for Al to come pick me up.  We finished packing the car and drove to "town".

 We dropped off the key at the rental agency. 

There was a lady in front of Allen who was turning in her key.  She had a laundry list of complaints.  Not enough towels, etc.  We happen to know that all you have to do is call them at any time and they take care of things for you.  What was funny was that at the end of her tirade, she said "We'd like to book for next year!  This is our favorite place!"  ???  

Often, don't we complain to God too?  We might go on and on.  He politely listens to our complaints as the young girl who was listening did.  "Yes, Ma'am.  I'm sorry Ma'am" she quietly responded.  

Give your cares to Him.  Thank Him because He is working in you.  If these complainers had just called the rental agency, they would have delivered more towels.  God listens and He will respond to us too.  He will act.  He will quiet your heart as you pour out your needs.  Sometimes He may answer in a way that looks different than what we are asking.  He wants to perfect us and sometimes going through hardships is that way.  He isn't a cosmic genie.

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  1 Thess 5:18.  Not necessarily "FOR all circumstances" perhaps, but IN.  

Before leaving the island, we took a little tour of the island since we hadn't done any of that yet.

Fort Gaines

It had poured on this end of Dauphin.

Families were headed to the public beach on this end.
There was a huge clap of thunder when I took this picture.

If I were those people, I would have scrambled back to the car to wait it out.
I know someone back in Kansas who was struck by lightening - twice!  Luckily, he survived!  People here didn't seem to be worried, at any rate.  They looked at the clouds and kept walking with their chairs and picnic baskets.

Lots of boaters were already out on the Gulf.

We drove through some of the neighborhoods before crossing the bridge to the mainland.  Good-bye Dauphin Island!!

We took a different road back - got lost a little bit when we took a wrong turn too.  But that's ok.  Part of the adventure!

We came across this train.  Miles and miles of this stopped train.  Have no idea why.  It looked like it had been there for months.  Weeds even growing underneath the cars.

At least they separated the cars so people could cross the road!

Did you know there really is such a place?

Going off the road to see what was on the other side.

Stretching our legs

We do not have trees like this in Kansas that I know about.

After stopping for the night, we continued the journey home.

We saw a sign for a scenic overlook.

We really couldn't see much.  Lots of trees in the way.

Perhaps they should have had a look-out tower a few feet higher.

A Little Debbie truck

The first oatmeal creme cake was made back in the days of the depression.  
The Little Debbie brand was named after the creator's granddaughter in 1960.  
You can find the history for Little Debbie's here

 Debbie was a COMMON name back then. 
 I know lots of Debbie's (otherwise spelled Debi, Debby, Debbe)
 my age and there were usually more than one of us in my class!

Josh called and asked if we wouldn't want to stop by.  Although it would take longer, we decided that would be fun and we chose a scenic route, old 71 to go there.  A twisty road!

Staci told us that before 540 was built, they took this 71 to visit her aunt and uncle in Little Rock often.  She said she puked much on that road!

It was pretty, although often covered by trees.  

to be continued...