Monday, December 26, 2022

A busy weekend before Christmas

Last weekend, we made a quick trip to Arkansas.  I had time to go to my Bible study Christmas party, although I had to leave a little early.

We needed to deliver this go-cart that our grandson purchased.  He'd found it on-line and had Papa pick it up since the owner lived about a half an hour away from us.  Papa, him and the owner were on their phones, facetiming and negotiating before we brought it back to our house, where it has been sitting in our garage waiting to be delivered.

Besides delivering a go-cart, we were headed to go see Eli play basketball in Siloam Springs and to go to Branson to see the Christmas lights.  

On the way, on 412, we came upon a deadly accident.  We have seen too many accidents in all our travels.  Makes us realize how much we need to be aware of traffic around us.  We never know when the Lord may call us home.  We must be always ready.  I realized that this day was the anniversary of the day my own mother met Jesus face to face.

Reading about it later, we read that the 2 who were killed were outside 
their vehicle when another car ran into them.  Allen and I decided that if 
we need to pull over when we are traveling, that we need to get off 
on the exit ramp, cross onto the on ramp and pull way over.  Then if 
someone does hit you,  they will be going fairly slow.

Sure was fun to watch Eli!  Brings back memories of going to his daddy's basketball games all those years ago!

When we got to Josh and Staci's that evening, we celebrated Staci's birthday!

Josh and Staci's Christmas tree is so pretty!

The next morning, we headed to Branson.

The road to Branson was a road we had never been on before.  It was very wind-y and I do not tend to get car sick, but I surely did on this road!  Bought some saltines at a store.

We found the VRBO that our friends Chuck and Sharon got for us.  Really nice.

We girls decided to do some shopping so we left the boys and went to Branson Landing.  After a couple hours, we went back to the condo and we went to Silver Dollar City.

All so pretty!  

We met up with Staci's parents and had cocoa with ice-cream!  
I've never had that before!  Staci says it is their tradition.

The next morning, we ate breakfast and said our good-byes.

Good-bye to the hills of Missouri!

We took Highway 60 on the south side of Springfield which was new to us.  And then my GPS took us onto 96 west and then on a country road 266 (paved).  My GPS must be set for shortest route?  Not sure, but it often takes me on odd-ball roads!!

I always want to travel roads I've never been on I don't mind!!

We turned west on Baseline Road.  This is north of Carthage, Mo.

A coyote ran right in front of us.

Close to Pittsburg, we were back on the main road.  And all was familiar again.  Climbing out of the Flint Hills, a truck veered over the center line heading right toward us!!  Al had to veer over and then the driver realized and pulled back into his lane.  Whew!  The Lord was our Protector this day.  

When we got home, we had time to rest for just a bit.  Al had a surprise for me.  He wouldn't tell me what it was.  We drove to Hutchinson to old Fox Theatre.  We used to go to the movies here back when we were dating in our teens!

Evidently this group, The Texas Tenors, was on America's Got Talent and since then, they have been touring a lot.  Allen got us tickets to go!  A fun way to finish out the weekend before Christmas!

Sunday, December 25, 2022

The face of Jesus

Today is Christmas!  The day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  There are several baby Jesus' around my home.  This one is from the creche my mother had when I was growing up.  Sweet cherub lips; a halo to represent His purity.

This was our first ornament the year we got married.
Baby Jesus looks surprised!  
I suppose a manger was quite a contrast to the throne in heaven that He left!!

This is from a creche I purchased in Haiti.  
Just eyes on His face.

This is a picture I have on the piano.  Jesus is HUGE!  I would not have wanted to have given birth to a child that big!  My babies were 5 and 6 pounds.  But I love the picture of the angels singing over Him.  He is sleeping in peace.

I also love that Mary is holding the baby.  

This painting by Morgan Weistling is called "Kissing the Face of God".
I purchased these Christmas cards.  I kept one to put in a frame.
I just love it!  Look at Jesus' eyes and smile!

My brother made this ornament from clay.  
I love the way he portrayed Christ's sweet face.

A few verses came to my mind as I was thinking about looking at the face of God, the Baby Who grew up to be my Saviour.

A verse I really love is found in 1 Chronicles 16:11 and also in Psalm 105:4.
Seek the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face continually.

Then Psalm 27:8 says
"My heart says of You, "Seek His face!"  Your face, LORD, I will seek.

Hebrews 12:2 (Living)
Keep your eyes on Jesus, our leader and instructor.  He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy He knew would be His afterwards; and now He sits in the place of honor by the throne of God.


We got this figurine of the Good Shepherd in Israel.  He has no face.  

Francis Hook print of Jesus I had for my children.

Doesn't He look so kind?

When I think of looking at Christ's face, that is what I see.  Kindness.  Each morning as I spend time with Him "listening" to Him as I read the Bible, He shows me His kindness.  His Compassion.  Looking at Him gives me Peace.  Joy.  His eyes are filled with such love!  I can trust Him.  He is Good.  He is my Refuge and Help.

As He looks at you, He is calling you.  "Come, follow Me!"  

One day we WILL see Him face to face.  We WILL see Him with our own eyes!  I can't wait!!

"Behold He comes with the clouds and every eye shall see Him."  Rev. 1:7

"They shall see His face."  Rev. 22:4

Phil Wickham sings "Face of God" and it is lovely!!  I may not be able to post the video.  Here is the link in case it doesn't show, and the lyrics are below.

Underneath the starry sky
A mother holds a child tonight
All is calm and all is bright
She sings to Him a lullaby
… Gloria, I hear the angels singing Gloria
All of the heavens ringing, Gloria
The Savior of the world is in her arms
She's staring at the face of God
Staring at the face of God
… She looks upon the Great I Am
The gift of Heaven in her hands
Born to save the songs of earth
He was born to give them second birth
… Gloria, I hear the angels singing Gloria
All of the heavens ringing, Gloria
The Savior of the world is in her arms
She's staring at the face of God
The face of God
Staring at the face of God
Staring at the face of God
… Gloria, I hear the angels singing Gloria
All of the heavens ringing, Gloria
The Savior of the world is in her arms
… Gloria, I hear the angels singing Gloria
All of the heavens ringing, Gloria
The Savior of the world is in her arms
… She's starring at the face of God
The face of God

Don't close your eyes to Him or walk away from Him.  

Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas celebration JOY!

When we got to Jill's, we unpacked the car and then jumped into the car to go pick up Claire at school.  Claire wanted us to see her room and her desk!  

Adam brought Sophia home from cello lessons and picked up Claire to take her to ballet practice.  This is a busy family!  Hannah came home for just a bit before heading back to the school for her program "Night of Silence".  

After supper, Jill, Allen and I went to the Worship Circle.  Worship leaders from 5 various churches lead people in the community once a month in singing and worship.  And Sophie is a part of it, playing cello and singing with the group!  Anyone in the community can come and sing.

This is a small taste of it.  

Wish we could have stayed longer, but Hannah's Night of Silence was starting so we headed there.  Adam's parents and grandmother were also there.   A pretty spectacular program!

It involves the symphony, jazz groups and the various choirs.  Our hearts were filled with JOY!

The next day, Claire had the "Ice Cafe" open for orders.

We went to the Arts Center for the Festival of Trees.
Various trees with different themes were auctioned off.

Cookies were decorated.

The Cardinal Singers sang.  LOVE!

We took a carriage ride!

Claire even got to have the reins for awhile!  Such joy!

We all went out to eat at a new place for us.
Joy and laughter!

In the evening, Claire had her ballet program.

It was in an old theatre.

LOVE it!!

Adam took this photo.  He has portrait mode on his new phone.

She brings JOY!

Early the next morning, Allen and I left to head home.  Al had to go to work on Monday.  We went through a drive-through for some breakfast.  So did a successful hunter.

I texted Jill that I hoped in the midst of all the craziness and hustle and bustle, that she would find JOY.  

Shortly after that, we passed a house that had this sign in front of it.

Then we listened to Adam's sermon on-line.  
He spoke about joy.
(see Sophia on cello?)

We listened to our church on-line.
The children had their Christmas program (How I hated missing it!!)
 followed by Jack's sermon - you guessed it, also on JOY!
God trying to tell me something?

We passed a house that had a train in their back yard, complete with a caboose!  I bet those people who did it find lots of joy in it!  Entertaining their grandkids perhaps and having parties there!

We had to get back home all in one day, but some time when not pressed for time, I HAVE to go up that hill and take a look-see at these homes with such wonderful architecture!!

South of Des Moines, it began icing up.

But joyfully, things did not get slick and we made it home in the fastest time we have ever done this road trip.  11 1/2 hours!  Yay!

That evening, I was reading and my bookmark had Psalm 16:11 on it:

"...You will fill me with JOY in Your presence..."

I mentioned to some people that I sometimes will take a verse and emphasize one word and repeat emphasizing another word, and so forth...
YOU will fill me with joy in Your presence.
You WILL fill me with joy in Your presence.  (a promise)
You will FILL me with joy in Your presence.
You will fill ME with joy in Your presence.
You will fill me WITH JOY in Your presence.
You will fill me with joy IN YOUR PRESENCE!!

Time with the Lord is the key to JOY!  Circumstances can go awry, so keep your eye on Him.  Keep your hand in His.