Friday, June 24, 2022

Summer days so far

This summer we decided to recarpet our upstairs.  After 17 years in our home, the carpet was definitely needing replaced!  I love the new carpet!

They got our dining, hearth and living rooms done.  But the guys both ended up with Covid and so the job is on hold until they are well enough.

We painted our den and guest bathroom.

We found out that the rest of our family was busy with projects too!
Adam's family painted Claire and Sophia's bedrooms.  

Sophie gave the loft bed to Claire and Sophie went to a twin.

Josh was staining his deck.

Tenley was "painting" her face.  

We've had 2 funerals also so far this summer.  My friend Amanda's mother passed away.  It was a sweet funeral.  Shirley's husband would sing "Surely mercy and goodness will follow me" to her and we sang it at the funeral at church and also at the graveside.

I first came to know Amanda at church back in the 80's when she was a young girl.  Her daughter now looks just like her!!  Allen also knew her dad from the hospital.

Our friend and relative (he was a 2nd cousin to my dad), Jim, also passed away.  How we will miss him!   I've known Jim and Shirley for years and years, from when I was a little girl.  They have made a huge impact on my life.  

Allen and I helped host the visitation the night before the funeral.  Shirley is in my Bible study and the ladies from our group baked lots of cookies for it.

At the end of the funeral, Shirley and her neighbors who regularly would meet Sunday evening to sing from their driveway (started during covid lockdowns), got up and sang the "Hymn of Promise".

In the bulb there is a flower;
In the seed, an apple tree;
In cocoons, a hidden promise:
Butterflies will soon be free!
In the cold and snow of winter
There’s a spring that waits to be,
Unrevealed until its season,
Something God alone can see.

There’s a song in every silence,
Seeking word and melody;
There’s a dawn in every darkness,
Bringing hope to you and me.
From the past will come the future;
What it holds, a mystery,
Unrevealed until its season,
Something God alone can see.

In our end is our beginning;
In our time, infinity;
In our doubt there is believing;
In our life, eternity,
In our death, a resurrection;
At the last, a victory,
Unrevealed until its season,
Something God alone can see.

Jim, who grew up in the small town of Pretty Prairie, wrote a biography of his life; he lived a very full life all over the world!!!  It can be ordered on-line.  

"God's Word is not a textbook of doctrine.  Yes, we learn many crucial things doctrinally and about Christian character.  We gain wisdom and knowledge.  It is a book of stories of men and women who walked with God.  Not a manual but filled with testimonies of God's people."  
I believe in heaven we will hear testimonies of people like Shirley and Jim as they tell us stories of their journey with the Saviour.  We have eternity to hear them!  Believers who ran for their lives from those seeking their lives.  Grandmothers who prayed for their families.  The pilot who lost his job because of his faith.  On and on....those who kept their eyes on Jesus!

"He sees the eternally existant me.  He knows the me after this earth.  Jesus can ask that I give my life for Him and tell me that I am safe, and both are true at the same time." - Voice of the Martyr

I've enjoyed good times with friends this summer.  My Community Life friends (small group from church) met this day at Norms, without our husbands.

My friend Jennifer and I went to Prairie Pines Chamber Music.  It is to be their last concert.  I am so sad about that.  

We began in the garden seating, but we decided we'd like to go inside the barn.  Although it was a sold out concert, they did have room for us!

A friend hosted a painting night.  We all did various things.  So much fun!

Also, we made some new friends!  I had heard of Shige and Luann, 
but this was the first time I met them face to face.  

They are missionaries in Japan.  We have many connections!

Our town celebrated their 150th party downtown.  I really am so grateful to live in my  size town.

I don't even mind waiting on the trains that come through.  I always throw in a book I'm reading or my memory verses to review while waiting.

I've lived in the biggest city in the world (Tokyo) and a small one of 500 people (Pretty Prairie).  My town is just right for me right now.  But who knows where the Lord will one day lead me?

Our granddaughter had her first birthday, but we'll celebrate later, as she had her birthday party in Hawaii!  Her daddy had a bank meeting there.  

Tenley's first airplane ride.
She did great!

I have been reading this book.

It has been soooo good!

"Get into the Word and grow in your commitment to Him.  And then submit to His Word whether you feel like it or not.  Our feelings must be the caboose, not the engine."  Tony Evans

"Catastrophe is the time to run into God's arms, not away from them."

This summer is full!  A couple of months to go! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Plants and flowers this season

 Plants and flowers beautify a home, don't they?  They make a home feel warm and welcoming.

My dear friend Tarenda helped me landscape the front entry way this spring.  We had to pull out some old, overgrown bushes.  We went to a nearby nursery and figured out what would work.  I am so grateful for her help.

I love flowers and plants so much!  

    The Bible tells us that our world began in a garden, 
       Christ prayed that God's will would be done in a garden,
          the Lord was buried in a garden (but rose again !!),
               and one day, we will once again live in a most beautiful garden!

"In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends."
                - Okakura Kakuzo

"Flowers are the music of the ground
from earth's lips spoken without sound."
             - Edwin Curran

"A world of grief and pain flowers bloom; even then."  
                   - Kobayashi Issa

I love these flowers from my kids for Mother's Day.
I am trying hard to keep them alive during the summer heat.

I enjoy bringing cut flowers in.  I have a variety of vases.
This one belonged to Grandma Geiger.  It's so sweet.

Earlier this spring, we had lots of rain.  Storms still pop up, but the heat seems to be unrelenting.  Trying to keep these plants watered as best I can.

"O God, You are my God; early will I seek You;  My soul THIRSTS for YOU;  My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water." 
Psalm 63:1

May we continually "thirst" for Him! 

"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God will stand forever."   Isaiah 40:8