Saturday, December 2, 2023

A beautiful wedding in a glass cathedral!

Last weekend we had a decision to make. Do we try to get to our friend's wedding east of Kansas City with a snow storm on the way?  I contacted others who had planned to go and they said they weren't going to chance it.  We decided that as long as we spent the night, we could outrun the snow that was coming from the west.  The snow was moving in fast so we quickly packed for overnight and headed out.

These dogs seem to enjoy the cold air!

The bison don't seem to mind the cold.

There were so many hawks out!

Before we had gone 45 miles, we left the snow behind us.

A few hours later, we arrived at the location where the reception would be held and found us a hotel close by to spend the night.  After checking in, we drove on to where the wedding was.

We parked the car and took this path to the glass cathedral.


Breathtaking!  Janelle told us that Abigail wanted to get married in a glass cathedral.  Her aunt told her about this one.

The flower girls.
Or maybe we call them "leaf" girls.
They spread leaves on the floor!

Doug and Abigail

It was all so beautiful!

I love this!  Parents praying blessings over the couple.
 It brought tears to my eyes.

Didn't get my camera out in time to snap Abigail and Jacob coming down the aisle.  But I got Doug and Janelle.  Lots of bubbles!!  So much joy!

After the wedding, we were invited to take in the Festival of Lights at the gardens.

The reception was at the Gamber Community Center.

Snow was falling as the couple left.  The snow storm had arrived.  We were glad we had chosen to spend the night.  We heard that our area got 8-12" of snow!  Not as much here, but we waited until 10am to head home to allow streets to clear.

There were LOTS of cars in the ditches!

The snow plow had cleared the left lane so we stayed there.

I was texting with our friends Dave and Marilyn.  We found out that we were behind them just a short distance so we made plans to stop at Applebees in Emporia and have lunch together!  What a good time we had and it also allowed the sun to melt Highway 50 a bit more.

Not sure why someone would own a snowmobile in Kansas.  We don't get that much snow at all!


That night there was a full moon and you could see quite well with the reflection of the moon on the snow.  Evidently it is called a Beaver Moon.

"Why the “Beaver” Moon? This is the time of year when beavers begin to take shelter in their lodges, having laid up sufficient food stores for the long winter ahead. During the fur trade in North America, it was also the season to trap beavers for their thick, winter-ready pelts."

We had a young willow tree around our pond that recently got gnawed down, probably by a beaver (according to the local college biology teacher).  We'd watched it grow from 2 feet to about 10 feet tall.  Sadness.  The teacher told me that willow trees are a beaver's favorite tree.

FedEx footprints in the snow?

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

A thankful time

We were so thankful that our daughter, Mindy and her family could come to our place not only to celebrate Thanksgiving but also for a FIRST birthday celebration!

Kaia LOVES Miss Rachel, so I made cupcake toppers.

Kaia was not so sure about the cupcake.

"Here Mommy, you try it!"

She LOVED her new baby!!

And this game was a hit.

We had a fun-filled few days.
The girls played in the play house under the stairs.

We did Thanksgiving crafts.

Grilling burgers.

Both girls enjoyed the scooter that my grandfather made.

This toy is a great toy!
Although Mindy finds the music annoying.

We read books over and over again!
I don't know how many times I sang E-I-E-I-O!


Playing with Papa.

On Thanksgiving Day, Tenley helped make a fruit turkey dish.

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

We do it the traditional Norman Rockwell style.

Jason told us that he likes pumpkin pie for breakfast!  
We decided we like that too!  What's your favorite pie?

That the Packers won this game was pretty amazing!
"Frosting on the cake", or should we say "whipped cream on the pie"?
We had been warned not to watch as it would be ugly.

Clean-up crew

Neighbor's kitty came to see if there were any leftovers.

Papa was tuckered out.

One afternoon, we took the girls downtown to shop.

Checking out the rolling pins.

Jason took Tenley to the Y one day.

And to our new neighborhood park.

He also took her to the Dollar store to get some stocking stuffers!
Because we know what holiday comes after Thanksgiving!

"Look Nana!!"
Will my grandchildren become birdwatchers like their Nana?

They love to make music!


Each morning I would get a text
"Come get me, Nana!"
Sweet morning snuggles!

Tenley was done with photos by the time we got around to taking this.

We had a wonderful few days together.  Before they left, I had Jason go out to the woods with me to get some branches to make an arrangement for my outdoor pots.

We kept our eyes on the weather.  A storm was fast approaching Saturday morning so they got up early and got out the door before they closed I-70.

We were grateful that although they did drive through some slick spots, they were able to get back to Colorado safely.

"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good."  Ps 118:1

"As you go through this day, look for tiny treasures stategically placed along the way.  I lovingly go before you and plant little pleasures to brighten your day.  Look carefully for them, and pluck them one by one.  When you reach the end of the day, you will have gathered a lovely bouquet.  Offer it up to Me with a grateful heart.  Receive My peace as you lie down to sleep, with thankful thoughts playing a lullaby in your mind."  - Jesus Calling, Sarah Young