Tuesday, December 19, 2023

It's looking like Christmas

We are getting ready for the BIGGEST birthday party in the world! 
 The birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour!  

Although evidence puts His birth in September, it is celebrated in December.  Some say that under Emperor Constantine, they began celebrating it in December 336AD to outshine the Sol Invictus (Roman god of the sun), a pagan celebration where people feasted and exchanged gifts.

"The Star of Bethlehem" makes a pretty convincing case that the wisemen brought gifts to the toddler Jesus in Bethlehem on December 25th.


I have seen people begin Christmas decorations in October (sigh) but I ALWAYS wait until AFTER Thanksgiving to get out my Christmas decorations.  This year, Al "risked his life" for me and put up a star way up high.  Real high!  Our daughter told him he needed to wear a bike helmet, just in case.  I offered to foam under the ladder.

I do love it!

I decorated our home.  

Here is the creche that my mother had for us when I was growing up.
There are some broken ears on the animals, but I treasure the memories.

We have had a few Christmas parties/gatherings.  

We went to a SoShine Foundation fund raiser with Jenny and Tyler from Nashville.

Well, just Tyler.  Their children were sick so only Tyler came.  But it turned out wonderful anyway!

We got to visit a bit afterwards as he came to spend the night at our home!


This year we celebrated "Thanksmas" (combining Thanksgiving and Christmas) with Al's siblings.  Brenda was ill and we missed her!  Always an enjoyable time with lots of laughter!  And more than enough food!  

Always have to have mak (or mach/mache) kuchen.  "Mak" is the Polish and Russian term for poppy seed.

We went down memory lane looking at photos from 1971-1975.

We had the Packer/Chiefs game on in the background.  Notice a similarity between Sid and the Chief's coach, Andy Reid?


Jill sent a picture from their staff Christmas party.  A 1920's murder mystery party!  Doesn't that sound like fun?


I helped a few of the staff at church with decorating the stage for the children's Christas program.  I think it would be so fun to go to school to learn to do stage sets!

Covering the stain glass to protect it.

Painting the clouds was so fun!
Hanging them was a challenge!


We went for a quick overnight trip to Arkansas to see Andrew Peterson in "Behold the Lamb" with special guest artists Jill Phillips, Andy Gullahorn, Skye Peterson, and The Arcadian Wild. 

I was telling Emeri about making the stage set and I said that if I could have another life, I'd go to school to learn set design.  Josh remarked "I'm with you!  We could start our own company, Graber and Graber!"  Regi's not so sure.

Brunch at First Place
Staci's drink is called Morning Meditation - a mix of beet, ginger and orange juices.  This place has all natural, fresh and healthy foods.  

I had blueberry compote on a waffle that was to die for!  I will try to make it at home!

Emeri and I did some Christmas shopping at Hobby Lobby and then we had to go home.


Getting ready for Christmas includes writing our annual Christmas letter and mailing them out!  Kaia was enjoying it!


Bible study parties
My older women's group

Gifts for the homeless shelter

I served this pineapple cream-cheese cheeseball at 3 of those parties!

My young mom's group

This gift was stolen most in our game.  The one with the doggie paper.
It ended up in Sarah's home - a fondue.


Our small group sang at Presby Manor.  
It was followed by a party at our house!

One last party - next Wednesday with my little children at Awana.  I love to tell them the real Christmas story, of the One who came for them!  A song I have taught them is with the tune "London Bridge":
    God loved us and sent His Son,
    Sent His Son
    Sent His Son
    God loved us and sent His Son,
    1 John 4:10

Merry Christmas!!

Now we wait for the children and grandchildren to come!