Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Busy kids and their tired babysitters

 This little piggy went to market...

While Mindy and Jason were in Mexico celebrating, Jill, Claire, Allen and I babysat the 2 little girlies.

There was lots of play time.

Dancing too!

I had Bible lessons each day with crafts.

Pool time!

We made stepping stones. 

I don't have a stepping stone of Kaia's at our home so I wanted one to go with all the other ones of our grandchildre.  And I thought Mindy needed some in her yard.  Claire wouldn't be able to take hers on the airplane, but I will take it to her when I go there again so she can have one in her yard in Wisconsin.

Each day during the girls' nap time, we took drives around.

While they slept, we enjoyed the beauty of Colorado.

Switchback roads!

Such fun adventuring new roads.

One day as we drove up into the mountains, the road got narrower and it felt a little scary as we began seeing signs about not trespassing

We were on a public road, but the further we went, the road got narrower and we could see that it was not maintained much at all.  The surrounding land had barbwired fences and "keep out!"signs.  (I should have got a photo!) There were also signs saying that there were surveillance cameras - we were being watched. A litte creepy. 

We passed a place that was some sort of secret society.   A bit sketchy.  We decided we probably should turn around before some guys would come out with long beards and carrying guns.

I felt uncomfortable knowing people were watching, but I am glad my heavenly Father watches me and knows where I am.  
“The Lord says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.’” (Psalm 32:8, NLT)

Once day we decided to go to our friends' former home.

Loren and Lynn live in our town now and are in our small group.  But they had spent many years here in Colorado.  We put their former address into our Maps and drove right to it.

We also drove by the church they used to attend.

They happened to be in a small group at their church with Allen's 1st cousin's family!  And they were good friends.  Small world!  We drove by his cousin's old house too.  They live in Missouri now.

I did a blog post on Loren and Lynn and Al's cousin and wife when we all got together last year.  

Jill and Claire enjoyed a couple days at play places.


Jill and Claire went to Colorado Springs for the 1000th Adventures in Odyssey episode party.  Claire listens to that radio program every day!  She was so excited that she had tickets to it!  Her birthday gift!  

Claire and the writers; her favorite writer too.

While they were gone, we took the girls to a park.

Rest time.  We needed those!  Little ones have lots of energy!

Mindy and Jason were enjoying themselves in Mexico.

But then, it was time to come home.

We are always ready to return and help out!  We love being grandparents!!