Friday, February 27, 2009

Afternoon with Hannah

This afternoon Jill called. She wasn't feeling very well so I offered to watch Hannah. Sophia was going to nap and Jill needed to also. Adam brought Hannah over on his way to work. We had a little rest time first, but then we decided to make some cookies. While the cookies were in the oven, we played "Wheel of Fortune" on the computer.

The contestants were Nana, Hannah and Papa!

When the cookies were done, it was time to make deliveries! Our first stop was to take the warm chocolate chip cookies to Dave Balzer, who is working on houses in our neighborhood.

Next stop was church. Sorry, Dave and Steve. You don't work on Fridays. Next time, we'll try to deliver on a day you do work. Usually, Adam doesn't work Fridays either, but he did work this afternoon.

We made a stop at the post office and by that time, Hannah proclaimed that she was hungry. We hadn't gotten to sample any of the cookies we made, so Hannah thought we should stop at the Dairy Queen. Good choice! As we were eating our chocolate dip cones, she said, "How come that man is staring at us?" I looked across the street at Anderson Health Care. There in the window was a mannequin and sure enough, he was staring at us!

That reminds me of a time Hannah went shopping with her mommy and at one store, there was a mannequin and it was one of those modern kind that didn't have a head. Hannah stood in shock and said "Mommy, that person lost his head!"

After a delicious treat, we needed to return a book to the library for Aunt Millie, so Hannah wanted to also go to the children's section and check out some books and videos.

She will have fun reading. After picking up some medicine at Wal-greens for Aunt Millie, we stopped at her apartment at Kidron to deliver her some cookies as well.

Oops, Aunt Millie's head got a little fuzzy.

One more stop before going home. We took a batch of cookies to Grandpa Pete and Grandma Lois, who live in a duplex at Kidron.

By this time, Hannah was tired and ready to go home. So off we went to take cookies to her family.
Sophia thought those cookies sure looked tasty.
Sophia also thought it was her turn to go with Nana. She took me by the hand and led me to the door. "bushidamadisha...bye bye." When I told her I would take her another time, she almost cried. Nana and Papa love their grandchildren!

"Children's children are a crown to the aged" Proverbs 17:6

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Party March 5

An invite to all my friends to a party in honor of Cora's birthday. (double click to see enlargement) We'd love for you to come and shop. We also will be having a sign up for anyone who wants to purchase the "Cora's Playground" necklace. The maker will give them to us at cost and any additional proceeds will go to help with the playground.
Here is the one I have. I just love this scrabble tile!

My home is decorated with snowmen. It is February, right? Winter?

I think the plants are confused.
What happened to winter?


In my devotions, I use "Today in the Word" put out by Moody Bible Institute (where Jill and Adam went to school). During the month of February, they have been going through love stories in the Bible. Today the reading was from Romans 8:31-39:

Christ at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
(what a thought!!!)
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine
or nakedness or danger or sword?
...No, in all these things we are more than conquerors
through Him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The devotional recommended that we insert the name of the worry into the verses above to remind us of what you can never lose. I am convinced that neither wealth nor money problems, job loses, illness, loneliness, problems with relationships....nothing will separate us from the love of God!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A morning with Aunt Mindy

This morning Hannah came to her mommy and said, "I feel God is calling us to move." "Oh, really? Where?" "To Aunt Mindy's apartment because she has a pool."

We were going to Mindy's apartment today to swim and play with the kitties since Mindy had the day off. We took special string for them to play with.

The girls had a blast in the pool! Sophia loved to jump in from the side of the pool and also she loved to be thrown up in the air and fall into the water. Hannah was just a bit more cautious.

After a good swim, we went to IHOP. Hannah enjoyed her happy face pancake!

This morning tuckered Sophie out.