Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Praise the Lord, O my soul;

and all my inmost being, praise His holy name.

Praise the Lord, O my soul,

and forget not all His benefits -

Who forgives all your sins

and heals all your diseases,

who redeems your life from the pit

and crowns you with love and compassion.

Psalm 103

Today at Mom To Mom, our speaker shared Psalm 103 with us. We had our own version of these cardboard testimonies. Some of them were:

Relying on parent's faith - Personal, intimate growing relationship with Christ.

Parents divorced - broken relationship with parents. - Blessed with 30 year marriage and healed relationship with parents - wonderful stepmother and stepfather.

Depression, suicidal - Joy in Christ!

Married "too late" to have children - Our God-chosen children (photos of 3 precious children)

At 9 I lost my mother, grew up lonely - But Mama left a legacy - my name - Grace - and faith to trust God's grace

Hubby had 3 cancer surgeries - God is our Peace, Refuge & Strength, & Ever-Present Help

I was told my family should have died in a house fire - But God has a plan for our lives so I will continue to seek Him and do His will

Empty Nest - "Tweetie, let's go out to eat!"

What a blessed Redeemer! How has He redeemed you?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Vacation at Nana and Papa's

We had the grandchildren here for several nights while Jill and Adam attended a conference in Kentucky. They had told the children that they would be having a vacation at Nana and Papa's house. What a wonderful vacation we all had! Of course I was too busy to blog or do anything much except play!

Dancing with Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Dora....

Racing through the house

Taking wonderful bubble baths.

Preschool for Hannah (with her wonderful teacher!!)

The girls LOVE going to the "Puppy store" (that is what the girls call the country store close to us that has supplies for farmers but also carries chickens, dogs, bunnies, hamsters...)

We took a trip to Exploration Place...

and you can probably guess where we stopped for lunch!

We can't go to Wichita without a stop at McDonald's!

Mom invited us over for a waffle supper. Aunt Mindy was able to come too!

As the days are getting nicer, and it was coming to the end of February, we decided it was time to put away the snowmen and other winter decorations and get out the Spring and Easter decorations! Hannah loved helping me decide where all the decorations should go. It was fun to tell her about some of the decorations. "This came from Grandma Lois" or "My friend gave this to me". She loves to hear all those stories.

Another friend made this. Because she could not find anything in the stores that represented the REAL Easter - everything was bunnies, chickens, etc. - she designed and made this tomb scene where the women go to the tomb and find it empty. This friend passed away from cancer some years ago and is now in the presence of the One who died and is risen!

Silly Papa!

Ever since weather statistics have been taken in the late 1800's, we have never had a winter that we have not had some days of 60 degree weather. There always is at least 1 day in January or February where there is a fluke day or two of 60-70 degrees. But not this year. It has been a LONG winter! But the weather did get into the high 40's and with not much wind, so we went out to play. And we saw our first robins so Spring is on the way!

Feeding the birds. The pretty birds.

But not these guys! They are pretty in their own way - but look at them! (Can you see all those dots on the lake?- those are geese!) Has anyone else noticed the HUGE population explosion of Canada geese?? I saw on the news that in Wichita they have signs posted not to feed them. I think they have it all wrong. I think they should feed them some food laced with birth control!

Well, the kids are back home now and the house is quiet once more. But I get to babysit again tomorrow while Jill teaches piano. What a lucky Nana I am! Missing my Arkansas grandchildren terribly and hope to see them sometime soon.