Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Josh sent us a picture of the snow that hit Arkansas this past week. This is their deck. Wow! We got 3".

I will be going soon to see my "babies" (YAY!!!) - but hopefully it will be in the 70's. I am taking a wagon to them and it would be so much fun to pull them around outside! Here are the sweethearts that I will soon see!!!

Mr. Chunky Monkey - Elijah

So take a look at the before and after videos.

And sweet little cook Emeri Kate. Maybe she will make some chocolate chip cookies for us!

Yesterday was a beautiful day! Hannah and Sophie were at my house and we went on an "adbenture" (Sophie's word). As we were bicycling down the street, Hannah proclaimed "I have an hypothesis!"

She had this idea that the mud in the street led to some mystery. Well, it led to a field and guess what we found in the field!! Already?? It just snowed this past week and now there are dandelions?? I happened to mention that they were weeds but the children were aghast that I should think that. "They are beautiful yellow flowers, Nana!" Sophie says "booty-full".

Today while Hannah went with Mommy to Kindergarten assessment, Sophia came over. We made M&M cookies...

.....with some raisins on some of them (Sophie's idea - yum!)

"Children's children are a crown to the aged" Proverbs 17:6

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday, cont.

I forgot to add this picture yesterday. Toooooo funny!

Tooltime Ollie with his purse.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Worship the Lord with gladness;

come before His presence with singing.

Psalm 100:2

I love Sundays! Even though it is the only day I have to set my alarm since I have to be up shortly after 5 am. Shower, spend time with the Lord and get ready to be at church just after 7. I have to get the nursery ready before I go to the 8:00 service. I LOVE singing worship songs, getting lost in His presence and then hearing the teaching which is dynamic!

But here are a few other "reasons" why I love to go to church!

and some more:

I just randomly picked pictures so if your child's picture isn't here, I'm sorry.
But I just have to say I just love those kids in the nursery!
And I love the special people who help take care of them,
comfort them, sing with them and teach them about our Lord Jesus!

I didn't post everyone's pictures. I have around 55 people who help regularly in the nursery. That does not include the rotating workers at 8:00!

What an awesome bunch!

Teachers who really care for the children.

And those wonderful greeters who welcome the families and help check in the children. All the children love Mr. Gary and he often has to go to the class with a child to get them settled in.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Today after our Sunday afternoon naps, we went for a drive to Pretty Prairie to visit this special man - Al's Dad. He is at the home there. They take such good care of him.

At first he wasn't sure who Al was. He nodded that he recognized me but by his comments I don't think he did. "What did you do to your hair?" (nothing, so I think he must have thought I was someone else) We showed him pictures of the family from years ago and when he pointed to Al as an 8th grader and then pointed to him we knew he got it. He kept repeating the phrase "Did you sneak in the back way?" Sometimes he is confused. We hugged and touched him alot and told him how much we loved him. And we prayed with him. We left hearts heavy that it has to be like this.
This is my favorite picture of Dad.

On the way home, we took back roads and drove through places we hadn't ventured on before. Drove through Amish country around Yoder.

A wonderful gut day today!