Friday, May 28, 2010

Lord, Change My Attitude

Awhile back, I mentioned that a friend and I are going through the study book, "Lord, Change My Attitude" by James McDonald & Barb Peil. We began to write down each day 5 things we are grateful for.

This week I decided on another tactic. Write down each complaint I have and turn it into a positive.

So yesterday I was mad at my refrigerator.

We bought it 5 years ago when we built our house. About a month after we got it, they came out with the newer models that open up wide.

Oh how I wish I had one of those. (Our lesson this week is on contentment. Ha!)

I was mad at our fridge because it seems that there is just not enough room to squeeze things in correctly because the freezer takes up so much room. to turn my grumbling into thanks:

1. I HAVE a refrigerator!! Many people in this world don't and stuff spoils quickly.

2. It is a newer model and looks nice (don't look at the fingerprints) - It isn't a cheap $25 garage sale model. (We've done that before too. We bought a freezer that worked for several years but it looked terrible!)

3. I have SO MUCH food!! - it is not wonder that I have a hard time fitting it all in. Abundant blessings!

So, now how do I turn my complaint about having so many blackbirds into thanks?