Friday, March 11, 2011


I have been glued to the tv, radio and computer (face-booking friends in Japan) today. Watching scenes of the tsunami in Sendai and watching scenes of the earthquake in other areas of Japan. It has been horrific to watch the pain and suffering. I remember all those earthquakes when I was growing up. We lived close to several volcanoes. I remember once that our town was in a tsunami warning, but it never happened.

My high school friend, Judi lived in Sendai. We both lived in the dorms at Christian Academy in Japan that is in Tokyo. We hung out almost all the time. Because our home was too far away to go home to on weekends, I went to Judi's house a couple of times.

Her parents lived close to an orphanage and we would play with the children. It made a huge impact on me. It was one of the influences that got me to wanting to adopt.

This is a picture of some women in downtown Sendai.

Our son-in-law's sister, Stacy, is in Japan right now during spring break. She was just going to enter an earthquake simulator when she felt the earthquake. She thought it was part of the show! She and her friend ended up stuck in downtown Tokyo for awhile, but at last report was trying to get back to our friend's home once the trains began to go again.

A friend and I are memorizing Psalm 46 and I thought of these verses this morning.

God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.
(verses 1 & 2)

Pray for the people of Japan and also for Stacy's safety. I believe her return to the States will be delayed.