Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jill!

My daughter turns 30 today!

Sophia : This is how many I am!

Sandwiched between Hannah's birthday and Jill's birthday, we had a scare as my Dad suffered a stroke. Luckily, it was a mini-stroke and he only had to be in the hospital 2 days. He has suffered no residual effects. You would not be able to tell that it happened. (while in the hospital, we were glued to the tv. Mom and Dad were missionaries in Japan for 30 years, so what is happening there with the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster has our utmost prayers and interest. Neither of us have cable tv so it was great to watch the news there)

When he was in the hospital, he said, "I just want to be able to go to Jill's birthday party!"

Well, we thank the Lord that he recovered and was released from the hospital so we could all celebrate Jill's special day.

We celebrated one day early at the Bread Basket. Can you tell it was St. Patrick's Day? Almost everyone in the restaurant was wearing green!

Everyone got a piece of birthday pie.

And Jill received 30 birthday cards!

After lunch, Jill and I went to Wichita to spend the day shopping for birthday gifts for her.

Mindy met us after work and we had a wonderful birthday dinner at Abuelo's.

Happy Birthday, 30-year-old!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hannah is 6!

Hannah's birthday is today!
We celebrated this past weekend.
The Arkansas cousins came. Here is Eli praying.
Nana and the 2 little girls ate in the kitchen.

When she woke up this morning, this is what she found at the breakfast table!
Hannah has been reading the American Girls books about Samantha. Jill decided it was time to pass on her Samantha doll that she had when she was a young girl. Hannah is overjoyed with her!

* * * * * * * *
Other pictures from this weekend.

(Al always seems to have a toothpick in his mouth.)

Thank you for the haircuts, Mindy!

Cousin bath time!

You are precious, Hannah!! Happy Birthday!