Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kids Week

As I wrote on the last blog, we are watching the kids this week.

Yesterday Hannah came home from Kindergarten and promptly threw up - twice. So today we kept her home. (the school has a 24 hour rule about that)

Today she felt well enough to dance to the Wiggles.

And go for a walk around the lake.

I told the kids I would give them a penny for every dandelion they picked. The kids don't understand why I think they are weeds.

Hannah decided to pick some dandelions in a dry creek bed. But she discovered it wasn't so dry.

She was pretty upset.

Those are my favorite shoes!
And my favorite socks!
And my favorite leg is all muddy!


We had showers before going to Grandpa Pete and Grandma Lois' for supper.
Hannah: I'm allergic to scented soaps.
Sophia: I'm allergic to wolves.

Aunt Millie came too.
Mom prepared "omurisu" - a Japanese omelet dish with rice inside.

We had our water in these funny cups with "denture" ice-cubes (part of a gift package I gave her for Christmas)
I believe Hannah is ready for school tomorrow.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Today was just beautiful! I love spring. I love the clouds that accompany storms...

and I love flowering trees. You can just see the touch of pink by the bridge. My poor redbud has been so slow to grow. It is just about to bloom. I heard that it takes a redbud about 7 years to really get rooted and to take off. We planted it 5 years ago, so hopefully soon it will begin to do something!

My flowering crab tree is on the verge of flowering too. I think tomorrow that will happen although I have seen it elsewhere in town already.


I had an errand to run yesterday. There was such a crowd at South Dillons and all along Washington Street people were lined up. I had no idea what was going on. So I asked Jack at Ruzens.

Evidently the eight-horse Clydesdales (as in Budweiser) along with the red beer wagon were marching down our main street in town.

Each wagon travels with a Dalmatian. I read that in the early days of brewing, Dalmations were bred and trained to protect the horses and guard the wagon when the driver went inside to make deliveries.

Progressive Dinner

Our ladies ministry planned a progressive dinner last evening. We started at the church with appetizers. Then the women were divided into 3 groups.

One of the groups came to my house for salad. I served both a Caesar salad and a tossed salad sprinkled with Wal-marts' Great Value Good Health Energy mix - a blend of soy nuts, cranberries, almonds and pumpkin kernels. We LOVE this! I served home-made honey mustard dressing. It is Lisa Prier's recipe (my daughter-in-law's mother).


Mix together in whatever portions tastes good to you!

To drink, we had the options of ice water, raspberry/mango tea and Mary Ellen Tippin's almond tea. Here is the recipe for those who asked:

10 cups water
2/3 cups lemonade mix
1 T instant tea
1 t. almond flavour
1 t. vanilla flavour
3/4 - 1 cup sugar
Mix well.

After an hour at my home, I joined the group and carpooled to Helen Wall's house for lasagna, green beans and French bread.

I left my camera at Helen's so didn't get pictures of the next stop - dessert at Julie Garrett's house. She fixed peanut butter pie!


I love Sunday mornings. The babies at Grace are so very precious as are the workers who faithfully come! Katelin comes to help with her daddy in the infant, or Bunny class. Isn't this sweet?

And Andi is so dedicated and has helped me for several years already. Wonderful with the children!


This week we will be parenting again! While Adam and Jill attend a pastor's conference in Chicago, we get to take care of these sweet girls!

Positively Perfect!