Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Kansas Adventures, April; Part 6 and Final!

I finally come to the conclusion of our April Kansas Adventure. What a fun trip it was. We decided to make a stop in Greensburg. Greensburg is home to the world's largest hand-dug well. When Allen was in gradeschool, he came here on a field trip to see that well. But now, it is more widely known for what happened on May 4, 2007 when it as devastated by an EF5 tornado that leveled 95% of the city and killed 12 people.

We had not come to see Greensburg after it was destroyed. Lots of people did, including the President and many celebrities. We did see if from an airplane on our way to California. Just streets and no houses.

The famous well.

Here is a look down the well.

Look at this pole!

I like this sign. It says "Building a better community"

We aren't sure what this building is. Perhaps a museum?
What a cute downtown!

Found a coffee shop! If you know Al and me, we LOVE coffee!!

Our Kansas motto is quite fitting for Greensburg. "To the stars through difficulties."

This could be the Christian's motto as well. Difficulties draw us closer to Christ.

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:6,7

Leaving Greensburg on Highway 400, we HAD to take the Deweys to the farm where Al grew up. It was right on the way after all!

And through the little town of Pretty Prairie

and go by the country church where we married.

There was a beautiful sunset to end our journey as we returned home.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kansas Adventures, April; Part 5

Leaving Sun City, we decided to take a route that one of the guys in Buster's told us about.

It is off the map!

Ranch land.

We took these back roads to Belvidere, an unincorporated town.

Can you even remember filling up for under $8??

We were told to turn north at this place.

Fork in the road - which way should we turn?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Kansas Adventures, April; Part 4

I recall going to Sun City, Arizona when I was a teenager. A very nice retirement city with 8 golf courses, country clubs and such. There is also a Sun City, California and a Sun City, South Africa with its Palace of the Lost City.

But! Kansas also can boast its own Sun "City"!

It even has hitching posts for your horses.

This town, population 53 has 2 churches.

I love those steeples!

I found this picture of a baptism in Sun City from back in January 1916. Why are they baptizing outside in January?? BRRRR!

LOTS of antlers in the window? Why?

We found Buster's (not hard to locate in a town rougly the size of .2 of a square mile! Ha!). This had been recommended as a good eat place. And after reviewing their menu of slabs of ribs, and other good meat, we wished we'd waited to have our lunch. People from all over come to Busters to eat. Kansas City, Tulsa....

We ordered tea and chocolate pie and apple crisps. Very good!

A nice break in our day. Leaving Sun City, we encountered a disgruntled resident.