Saturday, May 14, 2011

Young moms

This past year, Sarah Weber and I were privileged to help facilitate a young mom's study. Sarah and I have been doing this for 3 years now.

This year we studied the book "Entrusted with a Child's Heart" a Biblical study in parenting written by Betsy Corning.

We learned about being a godly mother by embracing Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord. That a godly mother lives by convictions and biblical priorities. And a godly mother establishes authority in her child's life and trains her children to see God as their lifelong authority. We learned about discipline, recognizing and handling manipulation; dealing with rebellion. How to use words that edify. And going to battle for the heart of our child.

For our final time together, we met at the park. There were a few of the girls who could not make it and we were disappointed about that.

We had a lovely time. With the spring this year being either very chilly or super windy, this morning was a perfect morning!

As I looked at Amanda, I thought "Hmm. Is that a bump there?! " But I didn't want to ask. I did that once and the girl wasn't. I felt horrible!

But then I heard someone mention that she is pregnant!! She had posted it on her blog just that morning, but I hadn't read it yet. I found out that I wasn't the only one who looking at her tummy and wondering the same thing. We are so happy for her!

Being silly.

We had a picnic lunch.

Marin fed the neighborhood kitty.

I am truly amazed at the young moms we have at our church. They desire God's best for their families. They love the Lord. And they are just fun to be with!!! Thank you so much, ladies, for letting Sarah and I be a part of your lives!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Pretty Prairie

I took the Arkansas babies to see their great-grandpa Bill.

He did not make any indication that he knew who we were. But when I put Eli on his lap, he said something. Couldn't make it out. Even if he didn't know, it was good for the children to see their Papa's daddy.

The residents were smiling at the children. One elderly lady said, "It makes my life worth living to see these little ones"!

After visiting Grandpa Bill for a while, we went to the farm. The family farm is just 5 miles outside of Pretty Prairie. Al's youngest brother and his family live there now. A farm is a wonderful place for little kids!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Arkansas babies come to visit

Our son and his wife went on a pastoral sabbatical to Colorado this past week. In a place where it is quiet and there are only wild deer and other critters around. They got reading done and Josh composed and recorded music. They asked if we would watch their children.

So we got to care for our Arkansas grandchildren for the week.

They love to wrestle with their Papa!

Eli can make a grumpy face on demand. So funny (especially since he isn't really grumpy. If he were, that wouldn' be funny)!

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The kids arrived Sunday night, May 1, so since it was too late to do the May Day baskets, we did them on May 2. Still counts, doesn't it?

They made May baskets and we filled them with flowers from the garden. Off to Grandma Lois and Grandpa Pete's for the secret delivery!

Ringing the door bell and running!

I guess they don't have the May Day tradition in Arkansas. Emeri didn't realize you are supposed to leave the May basket on the front door step.

They found us!

Grandma Lois had treats for the girls in exchange for the flower baskets.

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Hannah had a program at school. The pre-school and kindergarteners did a Noah's ark renditon.

Hannah was so proud to wear the Wisconsin badge since she was born in Green Bay, WI!

Hannah, great program! You were wonderful!

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The young mom's Bible study met at the park for our last meeting time. So we took Emeri and Eli to that. (another post with pictures of that morning to follow at another time)

We had a sack lunch. Yum!

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Emeri enjoyed playing in the play house under our stairs. She played for hours there!

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We went to the zoo. It was the day after the leopard attacked that 7 year old. Do you know I had my own zoo incident in Japan when I was 6? I got too close to the monkey cage and a monkey grabbed my hair. Once a monkey got my mom's glasses and destroyed them. We kept a close watch on the kiddos so they wouldn't climb over the fences.

A little baby chimp! Adorable!

More adventure to follow.