Thursday, July 21, 2011


Allen likes to run. Even in the hot Kansas heat! This morning was not so bad.

Sometimes I follow him on my bike and bring along a water bottle.

Things are really drying up in this heat.

There used to be a nice lake beside this house. Totally dry now.

Al likes to run in the country. We cross over the highway.
Al grew up on a farm. We joke that he went to "farm-acy" school not realizing that it wasn't for farming.
Running in the country you smell country smells....

and get to enjoy birds.
Unfortunately I find quite a bit of trash along the road. How can people be so inconsiderate to throw trash out on the road? I need to bring a glove and trash bag along and help clean this up!

Dry corn. Hope the farmer has insurance on his crops!

Today after about 3 miles, Al turns around.

Going back over the interstate. It is a little hard to peddle the bike up the hill, but the benefit is getting to the other side!


and back to our neighborhood.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

36th Anniversary

Today we celebrate 36 years together.

The communion cup used to be the common cup used at the church;
brought over from Russia.
Jill says this picture belongs in the awkward family photo shots.
Hey! It is just a symbol that I am forever on his mind.

Polyester was the best! Wonder if it will ever come back?

I am so happy to be married to my sweetheart!
He is
tender - easily brought to tears, like even at a commercial
has such a great sense of humor
playful with the grandkids
a wonderful father
such a great provider
enjoys traveling with me
has such wisdom and counsel
loves God passionately
and lives for Him
loves me unselfishly

I love you Allen! I thank God for bringing you into my life!!