Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thirty years!

Al and Newton Med CEO, Steve Kelly

This evening, the hospital had their employee recognition dinner at the Meridian Center. Al was honored for 30 years at the hospital. Thirty years ago Bethel Deaconess hired him as the director of pharmacy. For those of you who are local, do you remember this old building on Pine? Before Bethel and Axtell combined to make Newton Medical?

We would usually enter the back way as the pharmacy was closer to the back door.

Here was our family 30 years ago.

Our very first house.

The kids loved this driveway. They would ride their scooters and tricycles and go zooming down into the garage. Eventually, after we sold our home on Allison, the couple who bought it made the garage into a bedroom and filled in the drive with dirt and attached a garage to the other side of the house.

I was not excited to move to Newton. We had talked about going to Australia to work with the Navigators. But God had other plans for us and I have seen His hand at work in our lives, even though Australia sounded so grand to me. I am so proud of my husband. He is such a good man. A man who loves His heavenly Father. Who loves his family. And I am thankful for the work God has provided him with to provide for us.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Here is what my husband wore to work today. I guess yesterday one of the pharmacists came to work with unmatched shoes on. They were both black, but definitely different shoes. So today everyone decided to wear obviously different shoes - flats and high heels, dress and tennies, etc. What a hoot!

Bible study was at my house today. We are studying Beth Moore's "David". It is so good! But before we dig into the Word, we eat!

I fixed 2 different kinds of quiche so here is the recipe for those who want it:

Pie crust:
2 c. flour
1 t. salt
2/3 c. lard (or 2/3 c. plus 1 T. vegetable shortening)
6 T cold water

Mix salt and flour. With pastry cutter, cut in the lard until crumbly. With fork, toss the ice cold water until all is well-blended.

Using hands, form dough into ball. Split ball in two (this makes 2 crusts; either a top and bottom or 2 different pies)

Put a small amount of flour on a pastry board (or on your counter) and spread it around so that the dough doesn't stick. You will need to lightly flour the rolling pin also. Roll one ball out rolling from the center out so dough is about 1/8 inch thick. I fold my dough in half and then half again to transfer to the pie plate. Crimp edges. Fill.

Bacon/egg quiche:
4 eggs
2 c. whipping cream
3/4 t. salt
1/4 t. sugar
1/2 pound bacon, cooked and crumbled
1 c. swiss cheese, shredded
Mix all together. Bake at 450 degrees 15 minutes. Then 30 minutes at 300 degrees.

Spinach quiche:
1 lb. frozen spinach, thawed and well drained (or cook fresh spinach)
1/2 c. chopped green onion
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 T. butter
1 1/2 c. swiss cheese, shredded
3 eggs, lightly beaten
3/4 c. milk
1 t. salt
1 t. basil
1/2 t. celery salt
In butter, saute onion and garlic. Add rest of ingredients and put in pie shell.
2 medium tomatoes, thinkly sliced
Arrange tomatoes around the edge.
Bake 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Turn heat down to 350 and bake 10 more minutes.
1 T. grated Parmesan cheese
Sprinkle on top of quiche. Bake 10 more minutes.

I found I needed to add a few more minutes to the above recipe. And because I was doing both kinds, I adapted the temperature to fit both recipes. It works fine. And they are such delicious quiches!!

Our story today was about Mephibosheth and how David showed kindness to him. You can share kindness to others by making these wonderful recipes for someone!! How wonderful that God shows His kindness to us. We don't deserve it, but He does it anyway!

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God!" 1 John 3:1

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


This week for our Japanese lessons, we talked about Valentines Day.

They copied the kanji, or character for "love", which is "ai" (pronounced ah-ee). I told them about Valentine's Day in Japan. In America, men give gifts such as chocolate or flowers to the woman he loves…and often he takes her to a restaurant for dinner. I know I enjoy that from my husband!
But in Japan Valentine’s Day is celebrated differently. There women give chocolate to men on Valentines Day. And not only to the men they love. They will make home-made chocolate or cookies for their husband or boyfriend. And then they will buy boxes of chocolate for their boss at work (provided their boss is male), male co-workers, brother-in-law, etc. (their father and brothers may get hand-made chocolate or store bought).

But don't feel left out women, because one month later on March 14, is the Japanese original holiday called “White Day“. On White Day, men must give chocolate or cookies to every woman who gave them a Valentines Day gift in February.

Korea and Taiwan also celebrate White Day. (March 14 is a special day in our family - it is Hannah's birthday!)

Did you know that in China the modern day Valentine's Day has been popular among young people in big cities for about 5 years (they have another day they consider their own Valentine's Day but it is called something different and it comes from folk-lore. You can google it). Usually, men give roses to women but the number of roses carries different meanings.

In India, Valentine's Day hasn't been generally accepted yet. Parents expect their sons and daughters to study instead of having dates. Apparently there are some groups that attack people who celebrate the holiday! But it is spreading among the young people little by little. Men send flowers to women.

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Here is a project I made before for the children at church and I got it out for the girls.

You take an old Valentine's chocolate box...(or if you don't have a box, you could buy yourself some chocolate and treat yourself, then use the box for this purpose!)

and on the inside paste a picture of Christ and a child(ren).
Then you can sing this song (to the tune "Skip to my Lou")

I have a Valentine just for you,
I have a Valentine just for you,
I have a Valentine just for you,
I'll give you my heart Lord Jesus.
(or Hannah used the words "come into my heart, Lord Jesus" which works too!)

I sang it to them in Japanese too. And taught them to say "I love you" "Aishiteruyo!"

I found this book this year. It is just adorable! A twist on the story of the Good Samaritan.

"Love one another deeply, from the heart." 1 Peter 1:22