Friday, March 16, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hannah turns 7

After returning from Arkansas, I spent all day Friday cooking and preparing for the coming weekend. Josh's were driving up on Saturday and would be here through Monday so I needed meals ready. And we were going to have a birthday party for Hannah so I needed food for that as well.

On Saturday Dad, Mom, Aunt Millie and myself drove to Hutchinson for my Aunt Mary's funeral. She had fallen a couple of weeks prior and just never recovered. Ended up with pnemonia. My dad and all his sisters are poets and they read some of her poetry at the funeral.

The 3 remaining Vorans - Dad, Aunt Betty and Aunt Millie. We had a meal at the church in Castleton following the burial in rural Pretty Prairie. Afterwards, we took a drive down Memory Lane, driving to the old farmstead and pointing out where their one-room school house was.

And here are me and some of my cousins.
And the cousins back in '62 when we came to America on furlough.
On Sunday morning, Adam asked Josh to help him with worship. This will probably be the last picture of them doing worship together. Adam is going to our Hillsboro church plant as the main pastor soon.
Eli came to the nursery and it was fun to pop in on him occasionally while I was working.

Hannah turns 7 today, but we celebrated her birthday after church.
She ordered brats for the main dish. She LOVES brats! We also did chicken. And had lots of salads and other goodies.

My parents came as did Adam's parents. They had just been to a conference in Okoboji, Iowa and had driven since 8 that morning!
After a very filling meal, Hannah thought we should let our tummies settle and open gifts before having cake.

She flew into her daddy's arms when she opened this gift from all of us. Tears filled my eyes to see her happiness.
She has wanted Felicity,an American girl doll for a long time. Those stories are so wonderful and not only very interesting for little girls, but what a way to learn about history!
Great Aunt Terrie got her some Felicity clothes and you can see by her reaction what she thought of that!!
Emeri and Eli got her this and she also got some horse bed sheets from her folks. And Hannah wanted a horse cake.
I got each of the grandchildren some coloring/painting books and it occupied them for a long time while we visited and cleaned up.

Adam had to leave so he didn't get in this photo, but here are the men in my life!

The kids left Monday after lunch together as a family. It has been a very busy week, but I am joyful that God answered prayer in such a big way for me. Several of my friends were praying too that I would find the strength to endure. I can only say that it has been God who has been my strength as I have not had symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever for 2 weeks now (except for very, very mild ones)! It really is amazing and such an answer to prayer!
Happy Birthday, Hannah!!!! 7 years old!