Friday, April 13, 2012

Company's coming!

Growing up, we always had company!

Sometimes a boat would come into our Aburatsu harbour and we would hear about it. The folks would invite the world travelers to come to our home for dinner or even for a night. I remember Fritz, the guy in the 2nd picture. He was from Germany and he told us all about his adventures in India and all around the world. He spent more than one night and how we enjoyed playing games with him! If I remember correctly, he came back a 2nd time on another trip around the world.

People from American and Canadian churches came to see where we lived and served. At times all the missionaries on the south island of Kyushu would come over for a conference. Sometimes our whole school would come for the weekend (and of course, that was only 12-18 kids so you can't think of it like a whole schoolfull like in America)

For a time we had a bus and we were able to cart people to the touristy places around our area. We lived in the "Hawaii" of Japan and many Japanese honeymooners would come to our area, so the folks knew just where to take people who would come to visit.

I cannot begin to compare to hostess abilities like my parents, but we do enjoy it! So when I was asked if I would be willing to host a conference this weekend for 18 women, I said sure!

So glad we purchased a table that can seat so many!
The house is fairly clean; the beds are made.

And would you believe my husband is leaving???

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mu Shu

When our friend Amanda facebooked the following story, I re-told it to the grandchildren - over and over. They just love this story! The girls were so excited that they got the opportunity to go visit Mu Shu!

Saved pig thinks she's a dog April 06, 2012By Melody Pettit KWCH 12 Eyewitness News (NEWTON, Kan.) — Stacie Tonn from Newton was following a semi that was hauling livestock. A small piglet fell out of the semi, but the semi didn’t stop. Stacie stopped and picked the piglet up. Her husband is a vet and checked the pig out and said nothing was broken. The pig was unconscious for two days, and Stacie force-fed the pig during that time. She named the pig Mu Shu. There would be some milk that would spill out the sides of theh pig’s mouth, and Stacy’s dog would lick the pig to clean her up. When the pig finally woke-up, it had problems seeing, and the dog guided the pig around so it wouldn’t run into stuff. The farms cats were also interested in the pig, but the dog guards the pig so the cats can't harm the pig. The pig, now named Mu Shu enjoys being with the dog and wags its nub of a tail.

Here is the video if you want to watch it. Too cute!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter, 3

Our church has been thinking about doing a church plant for a long time now. And it has been a journey to watch the Holy Spirit lead us to this day. We would never have picked the little town of Hillsboro but God opened doors and so this is where our very first church plant is!
And the new pastor is our son-in-law!
I was so blessed to have people cover for me in the nursery at Grace so I could attend the opening day with my sweet family.
Many from our church have tagged along to help launch this new church. Some who have been so involved in our own ministry at our church. It will mean others will need to step in and fill their shoes. So I am excited to see who God brings along!
For this very first Sunday, the "Bro" (Hillsboro church) met at the fair grounds and the nursery was in this tent. The children thought that was pretty cool! Next week they will be meeting at the school, Lord willing. But this was a great place and the weather was very cooperative!! A beautiful Easter morning!

This little girl did NOT want me to take her photo. She just turned her back.
But here is a picture Amanda was able to capture. Miss Lily is just too precious!
How I will miss these sweet little munchkins in my nursery!!
When church was over, they had to load up the trailers will all the supplies.

Adam took us downtown to show us the office.

It will be exciting to see what God has in store and whom He will bring to Himself!

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:8

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter, 2

We took our bikes and scooters out to the farm. Allen's youngest brother and his family live on the family farm now and it is so fun to go out there where Al grew up.

Sophia could not get over the fact that... "Nana! They have a playground!"

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter, 1

On Saturday we had the Graber extended family Easter. Allen had to work (hospital patients don't get well on weekends, much less on holidays) and Adam and Jill had dinner plans. But I took the girls with me to the farm.

Gayle, Julie and I hid eggs - if you look closely, you might see some hidden eggs in some of the photos.

A fun egg hunt!